Chapter 7

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When we get off the train, people are everywhere. They had strange hair, skin, and clothes. I was so busy looking at the bizarre sights, I didn't realize that Katniss, Effie, and Haymitch had walked into the Remake Center. I hurry after them even though I would rather be almost anywhere else.

Haymitch comes and escorts me to a bed surrounded  by machines and little pointy things. Right away I know I will not like this room at all. I was violently forced onto the bed by three Capital people. I see Haymitch laugh and walk out of the room. Now I know that this is not good at all.

That Jerk! He doesn't even have the decency to tell me what is going on here! It's all I can do to keep my self on the metal bed and keep from going after him and demanding what this is about.

Two of the three people come over and pick up the little pointy things and come closer to me. The third goes in a door behind the bed I sit on. Are they serious?

I grab the closest thing I can find. "Poke me, I poke you. And I can guarantee you wont poke anybody ever again!" I hear the door open behind me. I feel a prick in my neck, and the edges of my vision goes black. What are they going to do to me? More of my vision goes. Why did I threaten them? My vision goes completely black.



Hey everybody! We hope you are enjoying this story so far! Comment what you want to see happen to Gale. Or just comment because it makes us happy :) Thanks for reading! We have a lot in store for this story, so stick with us! ~JJKmallards151300

P.S. sorry for no authors notes before! Don't forget to hit that vote button!! :)

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