Chapter 6

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A knock at the door startles me awake. I look at  my watch.7:30am.

"Up, up, up! We have a big, big, big ,big, big day!" sings Effie.

Uh-oh I think. What happens when Effie finds my room empty? Did I shut my door? I cant remember.

Maybe she wont notice. I wake Katniss up. "Katniss. Wake up!"

She groans. "Why do I have to?"

"Because Effie will wake you up anyway." I answer.

We get up. "I'm going back to my room. I'll see you later."

"See ya later." Just before I got to the door, she says, "Thanks for staying with me last night."

"No problem. I'm here for you no matter what." She smiles.

I walk into the hallway. Just before I turn the doorknob, I see something move down the hallway. Haymitch.

"Good morning." I say to him.

"I knew I heard you two lovebirds last night!" he smiles.

"Shhhh" I run over to him. "Don't let her hear you!"

"Why? Are you afraid that she'll break up with you?"

"Shut up." I say, moving closer to him. "We are not dating."

"Then what were you doing in there? Huh?"

"Listen. Last night, I went in to see of she was okay. We talked, and she asked me to stay with her. Nothing more."

"Please" he snorts. "I know love when I see it. You care a lot about her, she cares a lot about you. You have known each other for a long time. You want to date her, your just afraid of what could happen to your relationship if it didn't work. You know I'm right, you just don't want to admit it."

"Okay. Fine. I kissed her. What's the big deal? She'll never feel the same way about me that I feel about her."

"How do you know? Have you asked her?"

"No! Of course not! You saw how she reacted to us pretending to be in love yesterday! Besides, she has told me too many times to count, 'I'm never getting married or having kids.' Of course I didn't ask her how she felt about me!"

"Maybe you should. You might be surprised at her answer." he  turns and disappears down the hallway towards the dinning room.

I open the door to my room. I go and sit on the edge of the bed and put my head in my hands. Could he be right? Do I want to marry Katniss? I don't know. Should I ask her how she feels? What will she say? What will it do to our relationship? Will it affect our families? How?

As I get in the shower, these questions keep swirling around in my head and I don't know the answer to any of them. I just stand there and let the hot water run over my body and calm me. Eventually, the water gets too hot against my skin, so I step out and get dressed.

When I walk into the dinning room, Katniss, Haymitch, and Effie are already sitting around the table. I sit down and fill my plate with eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, and hash browns.

Effie tries to start small talk. "Did you both sleep well?" Katniss and I look at each other. Haymitch snickers.

"Yes. I slept very well." replied Katniss.

"Me to" I say.

"Wonderful!" sings Effie in her capital accent.

We eat the rest of our meal in silence.

After we finish,  we gather around the television and watch the recap of the reaping.

From District 1, a girl named Glimmer with long blonde hair with lots of curls, is reaped. The boy, Marvel has short brown hair, and he is a lot taller then the girl. They resemble each other so much they could be siblings.

The pair from District 2 amazed me. The girl was small, but lethal looking. She has long brown hair pulled up in a bun. The boy is huge. He stands what seems like over 6 feet tall. I didn't get either of their names because I was too busy staring at how intimidating they were. 

The rest of the recap, I didn't pay much attention to who the tributes were. I was thinking how the four careers were going to kill me. Before, I was hopeful, but now, there's no possible way I could win. I decide I don't care. It's Katniss who's going to win.

Only one other tribute really catches my attention. The male tribute from District 11. Thresh is his name, and he is just about at big as the male from District 2.

After District 12's recap, Effie screams, "Were here! Home sweet home!"

I pull Katniss up and we walk to the window together. I gasp when I see the amazing sight. It is more beautiful then anything I have ever seen. The Capital.

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