One More Cup Of Coffee

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My time is the studio is exhausting. I needed a break so I ran down to a little coffee shop down the block. I wanted time alone to write, read or to just people watch. It's so rare these days that I truly get to relax and just be. I order my coffee with cream and sit down at a table in the corner, out of sight. There is a cover of a Stones song playing right above me and I look up, rolling my eyes. "You have got to be kidding me!" I say under my breath before going back to my writing. My coffee is brought to me and I smile at the young woman. I sit in silence for a long while, and it's bliss. I cannot believe I didn't do this sooner! I've been caught up in recording and dealing with all of these unresolved feelings with Lindsey I've really forgotten about myself. It's totally true what Karen told me 'happy babies are the products of happy mommies'.

I switch gears and read part of my book, knowing I've spent a long time here as it is and I don't want Karen sending out a search party. While listening deeply to Bob Dylan playing over the speaker, I drop my book mark and I reach down to grab it. Just then, an unfamiliar hand brushes mine.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I just wanted to help" the man says. My eyes meet his and he smiles.
"Don't be sorry. I appreciate it"
"What are you reading?" He asks, pointing to my book.
"Anne Rice. Interview With A Vampire." I feel a bit silly reading it as Lindsey so often made fun of the fantasy and paranormal stuff I was interested in.
"I love that book! You won't be disappointed with that one"
"Oh, I love it too. I'm re-reading it"
"She's one of my favorites"
"Mine too" I say. I notice he's extremely handsome and his smile is infectious.
He runs his hand through his wavy dark hair. "I know this is really forward, feel free to say no, maybe sometime would you like to meet up for coffee or a drink. We could talk about books...or whatever."
"I, I think I'd like that. Let me give you my number." I say. I tear a large corner of a page from my notebook and write it down.
"I'm Robert, by the way" he says.
"Stevie" We shake hands and the physical attraction is immediate. We both like what we see and I want to have a little fun. Why not?
"I guess I will see you around. I'll call you"
"Please do" He pulls my hand to his lips and kisses it.
"See you, Stevie"
"See you, Robert"
He turns to leave and I watch him walk or the front door. I bite my lip, my cheeks bright pink. I can't focus on my book so I end up finishing my coffee, packing my stuff back into my tote bag and almost skipping my way back to the studio.

I come in and I'm caught red handed.
"I know that look!" Karen says, pointing her finger at me when I'm barely through the door.
"What are you talking about? What look?" I'm trying my hardest not to smile.
"You met a cute boy!" She squeals.
"Shhh!!! He's not a boy, he's a man. My gosh!" I say, my voice quiet in an attempt to quiet her down too.
"Oh my god! Where? Tell me! I want details!"
"Can you hush?" I ask, giggling.
"Tell me all about him and I will"
Okay, so I went to get a cup of coffee. I was sitting there reading and I dropped my book mark. I went to pick it up and there he is. I looked up and oh my gosh, he was so good looking!" I say and we fall into a fit of giggles like little girls.
"What did he look like? Paint me a picture!"
"He was tall. So tall. Taller than Lindsey! And he has this gorgeous tan skin. So bronze but it was natural you know, not like he lays out or anything. He has self wavy hair and full sensuous lips...his eyes are dark and soulful. Not that was was really looking, you know?" I say, trying not to sound like I'm obsessed. "He reads, Karen! Not like a magazines and stuff. Books! And he likes Anne Rice!"
"Wow, he sounds like a winner!"
"And I gave him my number. He wants to take me out to talk and have real, deep conversations."
"I'm jealous, Stevie! How do you do that? You meet these really hot guys at the grocery store or like just now, at the coffee shop! You really are magic!" She says, teasing me about the witch thing, per usual.
"Maybe you should come out with me sometimes"
"You run me ragged with work! But I ever get time, I will"
"Shut up!" I hit her with a throw pillow and we laugh even more.
"When you go out with him, you have to ask if he has an equally attractive friend"
"Okay, will do!"

The boys come back, having run away as fast as they could at the mention of girl stuff, and we mix some songs. I have a few different ideas and we sit trying to figure out the best route. Lindsey would know just what to do, I think. But then I also think it's fun doing this without him. It's not so serious and it's been nice to laugh and cut up without being told to be quiet or be scolded.

When we say we are tired, we go back to the house after picking up Aria who is now asleep. I promise to call my parents tomorrow because I can't really stay. I thank them for watching her and they kiss the baby, hug us and we head home. I take her up to her room, kiss her good night and go back to the living room to have a glass of wine with Karen in our pajamas. We talk about our worst and best dates, our worst partner in bed and we are laughing so hard our stomachs are hurting and we're crying.

"I needed this" I tell her. "We need to hang out more. Like just relaxing, not just working"
"We will definitely have to. I'm going to bed before I am too drunk to go upstairs"
"Don't be a light weight! One more glass"
"No way! One more glass turns into one more bottle!" She starts laughing again and she kicks off my own fit of laughter. "Okay, okay" she says, catching her breath. "One more glass!" I pour her another, spilling it on the coffee table.
"I think you've had enough!" She takes the bottle from me, only to realize it was almost empty and that causes even more laughter.

This turned into a pretty good day after all.

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