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*1 day later*
*still y/n's PoV*
It's been a day since I last had food or drink. I don't think I'm going to last much longer. I felt my eyes closing. I was about to give in when the door opened and I heard a familiar voice. It was Derek.
Derek: hello sweetie. I have a special surprise for you today. As he said that he pulled out a knife from behind his back.
Y/n: no, no please, don't do this. I said as he walked over to me.
He said down next to me and was just moving the knife around in the light so I could see it. The next thing I knew he started to drag the knife across my cheek. It hurt so much but I didn't have enough energy to move. Then he brought the knife down to my leg. He started dragging it over my leg. Slicing it open. I was about to give up and let him win. When the door fell to the floor and 2 familiar faces standing there.
Simon: GET AWAY FROM HER RIGHT NOW. Simon shouted running in and punching Derek in the face. While josh ran over and untied me.
Y/n: you found me. I said crying.
Josh: yes we did. And I'll never let anything like this happen to you again, I promise. He said picking me up and carrying me outside and putting me in his car.
Y/n: Josh I can't feel anything. I cried through sadness, pain and anger.
Josh: Im calling an ambulance. He said about to dial the number.
Just as he was about to ring the number, a thought popped into my head. Where's Simon. I shouted at josh reminding him that Simon was still in there. Once he realised, he jumped up and without thinking ran back in. I locked all the doors and kept my head down.

*Simons PoV*
That idiot that kidnapped y/n has tied me to the chair y/n was tied to. He was just about to stab me when josh quietly walked up behind him, put his hand around his neck and dragged him to the floor, knocking him out. Josh ran over to me untied me and we both ran back to the car where we found y/n unconscious.

*Josh's PoV*
Why was I so stupid I left y/n on her own. Me and Simon got in the car and drove to the hospital.

*time skip*

*still Josh's PoV*
All of us guys are sat at the hospital waiting to see how y/n is. I'm so worried. 💭what if she doesn't make it. I'll lose my daughter. I won't be able to do YouTube for a long time. Oh no this really isn't good. I swear that Derek guy is going to get it if I see him again.💭I was broke out of my thoughts by a nurse walking in and telling us some news. News we didn't want to hear.
Nurse: boys, I'm so sorry but y/n is in a bad coma. She only has a 11% chance of waking up.
As soon as she said me and all the guys broke down in tears. My daughter is pretty much dead.

*Simons PoV*
My little sister could die. It's all my fault. All the guys are going to hate me for loosing her.

*vikks PoV*
My best friend friend has an 11% chance at waking up. My best friend could die. Me and y/n we're so close. No. she will be fine. We all just have to think positive.

*y/n's PoV*
I could hear everything but I couldn't move or open my eyes. This is horrible. The guys came in the room and spoke to me one at a time. Ethan went first.
Ethan: hey y/n. He said sitting down next to me and holding my hand. Listen if you can hear me, I just want to let you know that I love you so much. Your like a little sister to me. Please try and wake up, us guys, we need you. Anyway I'll let jj come in now. Bye. I love you.
Then he left,and jj entered.
Jj: hey y/n. Wassup. Well I know what's up but yeah. I'm so sorry this has happened to you. He said sitting down and holding my hand. You didn't deserve this. You've been through a o mich already. The world is a cruel place sometimes. Your so special to all of us. We love you so much y/n. Please never forget that. I'm gonna go now. Bye.
Then jj left and harry Tobi entered.
Tobi: hi y/n. He said sitting on the seat next to me. I miss you so much. I need my best friend back. I can always come to you if I need to talk, cry, laugh anything. You help me all the time. And you can always come to me for anything you know that. If you wake up I will wait on you hand and foot. You won't have to do anything, and that's a promise. Except going to the toilet. I can't help you there. He said laughing. Listen I'm going to stop rambling and let harry come in because he really want to talk to you. He really misses you. So do all of us. Oh y/n please wake up we need you. Anyway I'm going to go bye. He said leaving the room.
Tobi left and harry entered. He ran into the room and sat next to me and held both my hands.
Harry: y/n im going to get straight to the point. We all miss you so much. Simon, josh and me haven't eaten or drank or slept for a couple of days. We can't think straight. When we lost you we were all destroyed. We haven't posted videos, we haven't been active in social media, well let's face it I'm not anyway but vikk hasn't even posted and we all know vikk is the most productive at posting. I need my best friend back. I can't live without you. I've only know you a year and a bit. But I feel like I've know you forever. I don't know what to say other than, I love you and I hope you can wake up, but please don't over do it. I can't lose you. Anyway I'm going to let vikk in now. Bye y/n. He said detaching his hands from mine and walking out.
Harry left and vikk entered. He sat in silence next to me for a while but I could hear his quiet sobs.
Vikk: I don't know what to say y/n. I'm so sorry. You don't deserve this. You are the most kind hearted person I know. Then it went silent again. Yet again I could hear his sobs. Ugh I want to wake up and comfort him. If you can hear me y/n. I'm sorry. I know it's not my fault. But. I don't know. I just miss you and I'll do anything tot get you back. Please beat that 11% and make it. I would be so proud. But to be honest, I know you, your trying to wake up, but you can't, and I'm proud of you for that. After the bullies, your family, everything you've been through this just tips it of. Anyway I'm going to go now so Simon can talk to you. Bye. Oh and by the way he might be in here a while he has a lot to say. He said laughing and walking out.
Vikk left and Simon entered. He came and laid down next to me and hugged me.
Simon: y/n I'm so sorry. It's all my fault your in a coma. I'm so sorry. I went to take a picture with a couple of fans. I should've stayed with you. I need my little sister back please wake up. I know all of the guys have probably already told you that, but please. None of us can think straight. We can't make videos. I can't do anything until, i know you will be okay. He said starting to cry. I know you can't wake up. It's not your fault. So don't push yourself if you can't because we don't want anything happening to you. I can't say I'm sorry enough. I feel awful. You are the most loving, nice, sweet, pretty person I have ever met. You don't deserve this. Oh and if I get my hands on Derek again. He won't live. I promise if you trust me to take you anywhere again I will keep my eyes on you at all times. I honestly don't know what else to say other than i love you so much, and I'm sorry. He said kissing my head. Bye y/n. He said walking out.
Then...josh walked in...he sat next to me and sighed.
Josh: hi y/n. I really want you to be okay. I'm so sorry this has happened to you. You do not deserve it. You've been through more than any of us guys have, and we have lived twice as long as you. First your family. Then an orphanage. Then the bullies. Then moving in with us, because let's face It we're all as annoying as anything. He said laughing. Then the other bullies. Ugh I'm just so sorry. He said crying while hugging me really tight. If you can wake up please do. I love you y/n. Remember that.
As he said that I know I had to try. I tried to open my eyes really hard...AND IT WORKED.
Okay guys. I wrote this chapter on Monday lol. I forgot to post it. I'm sorry. I'm going to be posting another chapter today. I'm gonna start it now and probs write for like 1-2hours soooo yeah. Until the next chapter PEACE✌️️

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