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We found a couple of abandoned wheelchairs in the hallway. To make sure they didn't belong to an eighty year old lady, we staked the place out for about twenty minutes. When no one claimed them, we stole one.

"I call first ride!" you yelled.

I pouted, hoping to get my way.

"Not going to work, blue eyes. But nice try".

You said this as you hopped into the wheelchair. We took the elevator as inconspicuously as possible. We got out at the first stop. It was the second floor. You discovered an abandoned hallway there.

I pushed you up and down that hallway. You tried to go up on one wheel. I kept you from falling. You were such a goofball. Eventually I got tired, but you refused to give up the chair. I finally sat in your lap. That's what you wanted, wasn't it? I figured so at the time, but even then I was more than happy to oblige.

We rode out of that hallway and around the second floor. Into the elevator. Out of the elevator. Around the fourth floor. The wheelchair was our horse-drawn carriage, the florecent lights our sunset, and you were my Prince Charming. Until a nurse caught us. She started to yell at us, but before she could do anything else, you grabbed my hand, jumped out of the chair (after pushing me), and shouted, "Run!"

So we ran. Down the hall, through the door, up the stairs. We didn't rest until we made it to the top floor. It took us a minute to catch out breath. Once we did, we laughed. People gave us odd looks. Makes sense looking back. We were standing in the middle of the room, red faced, panting, and laughing. We probably looked ridiculous. Oh, no probably about it. We did look ridiculous!

We hid out on the top floor for awhile, then headed back to your room. You pulled out a book, and we alternated reading chapters out loud until we fell asleep.

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