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I showed up at your room at twelve-thirty. I knocked on the door, and you opened it. 

"I know I'm early, but Mom left early and I had nowhere else to go," I said rushed. I felt like I had to explain myself. 

"Breathe! I don't care that you're early. I'm actually glad that you're early," you said. 

"Oh" I said as calmly as I could. On the inside I was dancing with joy. I followed you inside. 

"I just ordered the pizza, so it'll be here in a little bit," you said.  

"Sounds good," I said.  

We sat on your bed, facing each other for a good minute before you spoke. 

"Tell me something- no. Tell me everything," is what you finally said.  

"What?" I asked, very confused. 

"I want to know everything. I feel like I don't know enough about you, probably because I just met you, but still. Not only do I want to know that your favorite color is purple, but I want to know why," you said very quickly.  

I didn't know exactly how to respond. 

"Umm... my name is Sam. Not Samantha, Sam. Because my Mom used to be a feminist and my Dad wanted a boy. I'm the oldest of three kids. My favorite color is purple because when I was nine I bought a solid purple bedspread for my room. This lead me to paint my walls purple, and I just got used to it. It's not purple anymore. Sanuks are my favorite shoes because they're comfortable and different. I like being different. I dance. I dance because I love it. It's hard to remember a time I didn't dance. I'm very involved in clubs, at first for college, but then I realized how much I loved every single one of them. I like water better than pop; I grew up liking it better I don't know why. I work at an after school program with five year olds. Not many people say they love their job, but I do, even though I spent 90% of my time yelling at them". I was surprised at how easy this all came out. You grabbed my hand, and opened your mouth. But the pizza showed up. You came back over but before you could say anything I said, "Let's eat". 

You grabbed a slice of pizza and started eating. I followed your your lead. We ate pizza straight from the box, and drank soda that we got from your mini-fridge. I told you I'd never ate pizza straight from the box. You looked at me as if I was crazy. When we finished eating you asked, 

"Do you want to play Mario Kart?" 

"If it's on GameCube absolutely," I replied with a smile. 


We spent the next couple hours competing for a grand champion. You won at first, but I started winning toward the end. Were you letting me win? Probably.  

It was about four-thirty when we got tired of videogames. Or tired in general. We both wore out easy. You laid down your head at the foot of the bed, so we were facing different directions. We hooked pinkies. Why did we do this? Even way back then, it was like we made a silent promise before all our real promises.  

I must have drifted off. When I woke up it was seven, and you were staring at the ceiling.  

"Aaron?" I asked. 

"Mmm?" you replied. 

"What are you thinking about?" 

"I was thinking about you". 

"Me? " 

"You, blue eyes. And me. About us". 


You sat up. Your eyes were sparkling. 

"We should go on a date!" you declared. 

"I don't know about you, but I don't think I can leave the hospital". 

"That's irrelevant. Will you go on a date with me?" you asked 

"Irrelevant? But-" 

"Will you go on a date with me?"  

I paused. 

"What, is it me? Oh how can it be me? After all I'm gorgeous!" 

"Ha ha ha," I made my laugh as sarcastic as possible, trying to cover up the fact that I agreed with you one hundred percent, "it's just that... I've never really been on a date before. Ever," I said. 

You smiled and said, "Me either. So I'll pick you up Friday around six?" 

"Okay," I said, "okay."


Author's note:

It starts getting a little better the next couple of parts! In my opinion anyway.

New cover was done by IsaSecret (thank you!). I loved my old one (by Nativemoon, you can see it in the pictures), but this one felt more like me and more like the story.

 Thanks for reading! 

Dear Aaron,Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz