Everything They Said You Were

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"He'll only hurt you,"
They said.
"He's no good."
I wanted to prove them wrong.
I wanted you to help me prove them wrong.
If they saw you through my eyes.
They way you smiled at me.
The words you spoke to me.
The warmth when you held me.
Maybe then they'd see you weren't as bad to me as they thought you'd be.
I wanted to prove them all wrong.
But you didn't,
You didn't want to prove anything.
You heard what they said and didn't care,
And who were you to care,
Because it was all true?
Now I know,
There's no way I could've proved
The distorted you,
I knew,
As the new you.
Because that wasn't you.
You weren't new,
Or better.
And you broke my heart;
And the thought of you breaking my heart,
Like they promised you would,
Broke my heart.
You were everything they told me you were.
God, I wished you weren't.

PoemsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora