Love Him

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Make sure you hold him tight. Hold him like he's the sky and the stars and all the galaxies because he is a universes that is bound with love, not gravity.

Make sure you know him. How sad to live a life with a stranger? Remember how he likes his coffee or tea. When he tells his childhood stories, recall the endings before he reaches his favorite parts. Learn why he looks up to his older brother and why he'd rather write it out than speak his current emotions.

Make sure you kiss him. Kiss him like your love is a fire. And your lips are a flame and his lips are the gasoline needed to start the attraction. And your love would be an unstoppable blaze, not even the wildest hurricane could drown.

Make sure you memorize him. His body is a piece of art, and darling, he's the finest masterpiece you'll ever lay eyes on. Remember the way everyone starts off as a blank canvas and how his scars, and beauty marks make him more unique and breathtaking than the northern lights.

And most of all:

Make sure you love him. Love him like he's the Earth and the heavens combined because he could be someone's whole world. He's mine. The Earth is our safe haven, our first home. No-one can hold the whole Earth in their arms, and I can't hold a bit of mine. So, I hope that when you're starring into his eyes, as he tells you he loves you, and as he brings you in for an embrace, I hope that you know, you're as close as it gets to holding everything.

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