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Watching myself turn bitter and disgusting from lack of love was one of the worst things I've ever experienced. It was knowing I was deteriorating before my very eyes and not stoping the change because it was in and out of my reach. I blamed the people who couldn't return my feelings for the way I am. I blamed the way the Earth turned too abruptly when I was in bliss and the way she turned like a the hour hand of a clock when I felt lower than low. I blamed the ground I walked on and the way the wind was so inconsistent for they couldn't respond.

But the worst times where when I blamed myself, because, when I blamed myself, it hurt myself more than anyone or anything else could hurt me. Because I'm supposed to take care of myself. Im supposed to love myself. I didn't.

I couldn't stop myself from becoming something I hate. I couldn't stop the negative thoughts from making a home inside my head. I was right and wrong for blaming myself. I was right for because I was too much a coward to go after what I wanted. And maybe that would've partially fixed the problem, but it takes two to fall in love. But I was also wrong because sometimes our experiences change us in ways we could never reverse. And sometimes that's for better but most of the time it's for worse.

I guess, what I'm trying to say is that, I wish someone would've told to take ten steps back instead of two steps forward that day I first saw him. Because nothing is worse than hating yourself when everyone else does too.

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