Holding In

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A psychologist tried to tell me that holding in your anger was better than letting it out.

I find that hard to believe since I've held almost everything in: rage until my body shook, sadness until I was gasping but couldn't breathe, fear until I was numb all over. And I'm not better, I'm worse.

Compared to the times where I let everything out: screamed when I felt trapped, or cried when I swore I'd never see water again. That was much better than letting the feelings and thoughts live inside my head.

Because I've been holding in everything for so long I don't know anything else. My head is foggy and filled with clouds I can't will away. And my body is so backwards it wants to cry when I should be happy and want to scream when I should be scared. Everything I see is covered in black spots. And my mind choses to feel tired until it's actually time to fall asleep.

I'm a clock with hands that move backwards in time in a world that only moves forward. I'm the September wind that sucks the scarlet leaves off the trees into the air instead of blowing them to the ground. I'm a grey cloud that siphons energy from the earth creating reverse lightening into the lilac heavens.

I just don't fit in this world that only turns one way. And maybe that's why when I hold in my anger it burns worse that swallowing poison because I have words that need to be understood but I'm a concept no one can comprehend.

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