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One of the worst parts about being depressed is feeling so alone no matter where you are or who you're with. Like tonight with friends I felt so isolated... I felt lonely and unwanted. Another thing about it is that you have no one to talk to, unless you do and in that case good for you. I have no one to talk to. I try but no one really understands how it feels to be like this unless they also have depression in which I don't feel like talking to them because they'll just end up comparing me to them. I don't know. I really feel that I have no one to talk to. Anyone who says that they're there for me anytime aren't really. I had someone recently tell me that I can talk to them about anything anytime no matter what and I'll say hi and they won't even respond. I don't really have a best friend anymore. I used to. I used to have someone I would talk to about anything and everything but now... I don't have anyone. I think it's unfair. I have plenty of friends but none of which would really be there to help me through anything if I needed them. Sitting here, crying about everything and nothing all at once, I have no one to call or text just to talk to get my mind off of this. Which sucks. Depression sucks. Loneliness sucks. Idk. I don't feel at home here... I don't know why. I don't feel at home where I grew up either. I have no friends and no home... and I just want to go home....

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