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I hurt. I hurt everywhere. I hurt everyday. Physically. Emotionally. Mentally. I'm just hurt. Probably the worst feeling ever is being hurt by someone special... Like your best friend kissing your boyfriend, your best friend talking behind your back or even talking bad right to your face. It just hurts. Funny that all my examples are best friends.. Sad part is that best friends can also be worst enemies and you won't know it until one day you just do. Worst part about figuring out they're your worst enemy is when they take everything you've told them, all the secrets and stories, then use them against you. It could be public or it could just be between the two of you. Either way, it hurts. But when you get hurt, you heal. You might have a scar to remind you of the pain but you'll heal.

Hurt can make you do stupid things. When you're hurt, you're angry, sad and disappointed all at the same time. You just want to let all those emotions out in a screaming rage but you can't. And if you do, everything gets worse for everyone. One time I lashed out in anger because I was hurt. All it did was lead to embarrassment, more anger and more hurt. It didn't solve anything... Once something has been said, it can't be taken back. A thousand sorry's might be forgiven but the hurt is still there. The saying "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" is the biggest lie told to children. Words hurt so much more than sticks and stones. The wounds caused by sticks and stones will heal and be forgotten, but the words said by a friend or even an enemy will leave a mental scar that haunts the mind. It tears people down from the inside out. Those wounds don't heal as easy.

Be careful with your words. Throw a stick next time.

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