Chapter Nineteen

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                                           July 2, 2016

Next Morning

August woke up and did his hygenie routine then put his boxers on. He walks to the room that Nikita is sleeping in and carefully opens it to see if she is still asleep. He peeks inside and sees her still sound asleep. He smiles and closes the door then walks downstairs to cook breakfast.

Nikita woke up shortly after she smell the food that August is making. She got up out of the bed and walked to the bathroom. She looks at herself in the mirror and smiles at her body. She had hickeys on her neck and bruises on her body. She looks down on her wrists where August tied her up at.

She starts to rub on them and looks in the mirror then she starts to remember what August did to her as she touches parts of her body. The feeling of his lips on her, the feeling of his hands pressed against her body. Her body shivers by the thought of him doing it right there in the bathroom.

She softly moans while holding onto the sink. She flutters her eyes and slowly remembers how it all happened.... The Red Room.

Flaskback (Yesterday Evening)

"Welcome home, my baybeh."

Nikita blushed and began to speak.

"Thank you, sir."

August let her inside the house and closed the door then locked it. August grabbed her hand and went upstairs. Nikita had gotten very confused because she did know where he was taking her. He stopped at a door and looked at Nikita.

"What?" Nikita questioned him.

"It's just around this door."

"What is?"

"My playroom also called The Red Room."

"Like your Xbox and stuff?"

August chuckled and began to speak.


"Then what is it?"

"It's important dat you unda'stand why I'm showin' ya this."

"Why?" "What's in there?"

"It's a room dat we gonna be usin' a lot while I'm here."

"August, just open the door." "I want to see what's inside."

"Okay." August told her as he slowly opened the door, letting her inside.

"Oh my god." Nikita whispered in shock.

The room was dimmed and red. The room was filled with sex tools that was in the contract. Floggers, ropes, chains, whips etc. Nikita slowly walked to one of the items that was hang up on the bar.

"This is called a flogger, if you must know."

She was quiet for a while, speechless then she begins to touched another sex object.

"Please say somethin'."

Nikita looked at him and began to speak.

"So do woman do this to you or do you.."

"I do this to women." "With women." "Women who want me to."

"So you're a sadist instead of a dominant?"

"No, I'm a dominant."

"What does that mean?" "Cause I'm kind of confused now."

"It means I want ya tahh willingly surrenda' yoself tahh me."

50 Shades of August (EDITING) | BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now