Werewolf Forest::Chapter 7

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Hey everybody! Ok, so, for those of you who didn't get the message, WHO WANTS TO BE IN MY STORY? Well you see I'm going to have some new characters coming in and I cont for the life of me think of names and appearances. I have some of their personas but only enough to fill their roles. So, I decided t might be fun to have some of you guys in my story! Send me

1) Your name

2) Your appearance

3) A little bit about yourself

And I can turn you into a character in my story!!! I'll put the winner's user names at the top of the chapter with the character beside it. Sound good? Oh and if you want to submit you info but not have your name on the chapter, that's cool, just let me know and I won't put you name in there ok? Sound good to everybody? Alright, now, you guys reached my Vote-Goal in a week! Actually I think it was less than a week...but anyway moving on...I was thinking we could go for...say...25 votes on this chapter before hmm...March 25th? Easy to remember? That's ten days people! If you don't reach it in time...well...I might just be so discouraged...it might take me longer to upload...Well, we'll find out soon enough right?


I grabbed another piece of meat from the metal tray and shoved it in my mouth. It had now been exactly twenty-three days since I came here. Twenty-three days. Twenty-three days of confusion, twenty-three days of pain yet happiness. I chewed the meat slowly, thinking deeply.

Ever since Danny had taken my collar off I had been debating the whole "running away" issue. If I ran away, where would I go? I couldn't go home. I would never go back to my father. Where else could I go? I had no money no other family, in truth, I had nowhere to go. Maybe I could live in the forest. I could hunt for my food and sleep under the stars, but what kind of life was that? Living alone in the forest? No, I couldn't do that. As much as I loved my old night-time lone adventures to the forest, I couldn't be alone for the rest of my life.

'But I can't stay here, I mean they kidnapped me for cripes sake! And one of them beat the crap out of me! I'm miserable here.'

*Ya, but is it of your own making?*


*Well, let's think about this for a second. They've been pretty nice to you since you've been all "yes sir" and "of course sir". Maybe, just maybe, we could be happy here. If we just follow orders and keep our head down, we could live here. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad...After all, we do have Jason.*

I couldn't dispute that. Maybe it was my fault. Maybe, if I just behaved, I could live here and be happy. Just maybe. Jason was so nice and sweet...maybe...maybe I could have a life here... with him...

I looked to my side where Jason was sitting. He was gulping down food, not noticing me staring.

Maybe...just maybe...

* * * *

Jason and I were sitting in the camp, playing mancala with holes dug in the earth and stones we had found lying around. It was Jason's turn and he was taking forever so I leaned back on my hands and looked around the camp. I frowned when I noticed something.

"Hey Jason?"

"Ya?" he answered not looking up from the make-shift game board.

"Are there any other girls in this camp?" I continued to look around, seeing boy after shirtless boy sitting or eating or talking amongst one another, but not one girl. Why hadn't I noticed before?

He looked up from the game. "No," he answered simply.

"Why not?" I pressed.

He looked down again, seeming to deliberate his answer. He then looked up with a smirk. "Not all girls can be as tough as you. And as you have probably gathered, you need to be to live with us."

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