Chap 26: Confusion

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Eun Ji P.O.V

Three of them confessed to me yesterday! I still can't believe it. They are all my bestfriends, although my heartbeat always lost control because of them...*ohh wad am I thinking...*

I was in my room. I walked towards my bed and saw the owl toy.

" I love roses...but I love you more.."

I held the owl in my arms and smiled. D.O oppa is caring and thoughtful. He can cook well and he fared well in exams. I has never thought that he would love me. I treated him as my bestfriend, or a big brother. But, it is possible to be a boyfriend too...

My gaze averted to the small fish bowl. I poured some fish food for it.

" Yeollie, am I misheard that you love me? " The tiny yeollie ate the food revenously like it had been starving for years.

" You looked like Yeollie oppa, always gobble up his favourite food..." The scene where Chanyeol confessed to me kept on playing in my mind. "Do you just simply say it cause you were drunk?"

I was so confused. Who should I choose? How about Kai?


He always called me his jagi. Is it because he love me? He said he love me at the balcony. Is it real? He even stole my first kiss... The cotton candy kiss, thinking of it made my heart flutters.

They always steal my kisses, at first I thought they were teasing me, but now...

Impossible! I should be dreaming.... I pinched my own arms. "Ouch!" It hurts! So I was not dreaming. I facepalmed myself...

Just then, someone knocked my door. The door squeeked open. Chanyeol oppa came in. He was holding his fish bowl.

" My princess, I am going to change the water in the fishbowl, so I just wanna help you to change yours too..."

" Thank you, Yeollie oppa..." I held my fishbowl and he followed me towards my toilet to change water.

" Piangg!" The fishbowl slipped off my hands and dropped on the floor in my room. It was broken into pieces and the tiny yeollie was struggling to live. Quickly, I used my bare hands to take the fish. Unfortunately, my fingers were cut and was bleeding.

I stood up and looked at my bleeding fingers. Chanyeol held my hands. " Go and clean your wound, I will get the first-aid box." I walked into the toilet while he went downstairs to take the first-aid box.

I put my bleeding hands under the flowing water. My tears flodded my eyes. Tiny yeollie, I have killed you indirectly, I am sorry, I love you.... I can't hold back my tears anymore. I cried loudly in the toilet.

Chanyeol P.O.V

"Piangg!" Pieces of broken glass scattered on the floor. Just before I could stop her from touching the glass, she cut her fingers. " Go and clean your wound, I will get the first-aid box." She went into the toilet obediently.

She must be wanting to save tiny Yeollie that's why she hurt herself. She loves yeollie so much. It is me...hehe

I held tiny Yeollie in my hands and put it into my fishbowl. I looked at it and it was still alive. It was playing with tiny princess happily. I smiled at them. Then I left the room.

By the time I opened the door with a first-aid box, I heard Eun Ji crying loudly in the toilet. I rushed in and she hugged me so tightly. " I have killed tiny yeollie, I am sorry, I didnt want it to happen..." She buried herself into my chest.

Haha she thought the fish is dead? She loves it so much? I was so happy that she cared so much about the fish I gave her...

I smiled. " Tiny yeollie is still alive, my princess. Don't cry..." I patted her back but she broke the hug immediately and went back to her room to find tiny yeollie.

I followed her and saw her hugging the fishbowl. She looked so cute when she smiled with tears on her cheek.

I hugged her and the fishbowl at once. " We are happy family..." I sang the song loud like a child.

She looked surprised but she did't move, letting my hug warm her heart.

" My princess, I fetch you to buy a new fishbowl, want?" She nodded and pulled me to my car. She was still hugging the fishbowl in the car. I leaned in to help her fasten her seatbelt. Soon, we arrived at a shopping complex.

In the fish shop, we walked around to find a suitable one. I wanted to choose a special one for her.

She showed me a normal round fishbowl but I shook my head. " How about this square one?" I still shook my head.

She had showed me more than ten types but I said no. She got frustrated, " Then you choose..."She sat on the bench outside the shop.

I walked around alone. Aha! I found one. A love-shaped fishbowl. The glass is a bit pinky but still translucent. I paid at the counter and asked the shop worker to put it into a nice gift box.

I walked out of the shop contentedly, towards her, holding the fishbowl. I handed her the box and she opened it excitedly. Her eyes widened when she saw it.

Every shopper who passed by looked at us. They saw Eun Ji holding a heart-shaped fishbowl. One girl said," Ya, you are so luckly to have such a thoughtful boyfriend..."

I smiled to her compliment and looked at Eun Ji. She was blushing while holding it. She then kept it into the box and stood up. I took the golden opportunity to hold her hand.

We walked to our car with our hands intertwined. I was on top of the world that she didn't refuse.

" Oppa, actually... Last time when you were drunk, I heard you said ..." She stammered. I was so nervous, perhaps she heard that?

" you love me..." I flushed pink. She was also looking down awkwardly.

I took a deep breath. " Yes. My princess, I love you. How about you?" I looked at her eyes. She kept quiet.

We didn't continue on this topic and remained silent. Suddenly, her phone beeped.

Eun Ji P.O.V

It was a message from D.O oppa.

- To Eun Ji,

Where are you? I miss you and...I love you <3

From: D.O -

My heartbeat increased when I saw the love sign. Chanyeol was curious about the message and wanted to grab my phone. Luckily I made a quick response and hid my handphone behind me. He tried to pull my hands and finally he was sucessful.

He opened the message and froze. Then he gave me back my handphone and went into his car. I could feel sadness in his eyes.

" Chanyeol oppa, I like your present very much, thanks..." He helped me to buckle my seatbelt and started driving quietly.

Reached home, I lay down on bed. I was too tired and closed my eyes.

There was a knocking on my door. I opened the door and saw the love-shaped fishbowl in front of my feet. It was tiny Yeollie in it.

" Tiny yeollie, I love you!" I kissed the fish on the fishbowl and went back to my room. I put it down on the dressing table.

I accidentally spilled some water onto a novel on the table. Quickly I took the novel and wiped off the water on it. Luckily the book is wrapped.

Just then, something fell off from the book. It was a photo. I picked it up.

It was me and Kai sleeping together. That photo which my mom took last time. I flipped it and saw some words at the back of the photo.

Eun Ji, I love you. I wonder when will you understand my heart. From your jagi, Kai.

I saw the date written below. It was the day this picture was spread in the internet.

When did he secretly put this in my book? So he has already fallen for me since that day the news was spread? Or earlier than that?

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