Chap 14: Helpless

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I woke up real early today, even before my alarm goes off. And so, i decided to walk to school. It is just a 30 minutes walk and I'll reach school early too.

" Ah....the air in the morning is the best!! " I exclaimed along the way to school. I wore an extra jacket as it is cold outside.

30 minutes later, I entered the school. There are only a few students who have arrived. I suddenly feel like going to the washroom. So before I went to class, I headed straight to the washroom with my bag and all.

I was washing my hands when someone came in and pushed me to the floor. I looked up and it was that girl Hyo jin again. Both of her friends stood beside her and smirked at me.

" Hey!!" I shouted at them. I knew they would take actions on me because of the photo. I've got ready for this.

" Oops...sorry...hahaha " she makes fun of me. I tried to get up but she pushed me to the floor again. I glared at them angrily.

" You wannna fight? Alright then, 3 against one, what chances do you have?! " She signals to one of her friend. She came over and pulled me up harshly and held me tight. I tried to struggle away from her grip but to no avail.

Hyo Jin came closer to me and pulled strongly on my hair. " Aww....look at her ugly face. How can she be with Kai? Of course I'm more suited to be with him than her! " she then let go of my hair and pushed me into one of the toilets.

Two of her friends closed the door of the toilet. By then I just realised what they are planning to do....they are going to lock me in the toilet!!

I pulled the door so that they won't suceed in closing the door as the door is facing inwards.

Just then Hyo Jin pushed me hard. I fell and sat on the toilet bowl. It was so painful that i groaned loudly. I was too late when i get up. They have closed the door and blocked it from outside. I'm traped!!

" Yah!! Let me out!! Yah!!! Choi Hyo Jin!! " I screamed at the top of my lungs.

" Haha...beg first...and I'll think about it..." The evil laughter was so scary.

" Please...Hyo Jin-ah, let me out, it's all a mistake! I didn't sleep with Kai. We are just discussing about our project. " I was afraid that I will be trapped here until who knows when.

" Let me think....umm....NO.." She said, followed by a cruel laugh.

"Swoshhh..." A pail of water splashed onto me from the top of the door. I was drenched to the skin.

" Yah let me go!..." I was freezing cold because of the pail of icy water, in addition it was still early in the morning.

Then I heard them open the washroom door and headed out. I continued to scream for help...


Blood was boiling in me when I saw that photo yesterday. That Eun Ji girl is really getting on my nerves! How could she seduce our oppas! How dare she! I will show her who's the best today.

I've locked her up in the toilet and let her cold to death. Serves her right!

I then placed the sign at the entrance. no matter how you call for help, no one will find you. Not even our oppas!

- Washroom is out of order -


Otteoke? What should I do now?!! I was cracking my brain for ideas on how to escape.

My body started to shiver, my bag was left on the sink so I couldnt call anybody for help... I feel so helpless....

I noticed that no one has came into the toilet since they left. They must have blocked the entrance! Aishh....why are they like that? So cruel..

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