Chap 10 : My First Kiss Flew Away

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Eun Ji P.O.V

I could feel a patch of wetness on his shirt. Quickly I released the hug and apologizes ro him while rubbing my swollen eyes.

He held his hands. "It is okay. Stop rubbing, they are already swollen."

He extended his hands to tidy up my pony tail. My hair is so messy because of those bullies who pulled my hair.

He carefully places a few strands of hair to the back of my ear, then he smiled at me. All I could feel in his smile was warmth. The warmth that could melt my heart.

I am back to reality. " Do I look very messy and ugly now? I should go to the toilet to tidy up." I tried to stand up but he stopped me.

" You look beautiful as usual." He whispers into my ears. I feel embarassed and looked down to my shoes and bit my lower lip. * Did he just praise me? Beautiful?*

" Aww stop biting your lips jagiya, you look so sexy" he smirked and help me up.

" Who is your jagi? " i looked at him confusely.

" My jagi is you, jagi."

" When did i become your jagi?" I try to stay away from his eyes.

"Just now, jagiya" Both my cheek flushed scarlet.

" Yah, stop joking around and where are we going?" I shyly denied and changed the topic.

I followed him until we reach his car. He didnt say anything, just pulled me into his car and drove away.

Kai P.O.V

I' m worried that she is still thinking about just now.

Will she try to ignore me because I called her jagi? Aish why did the word blurted out out my mouth without passing through my mind? * Too madly in love?*

In the car, I realised that she kept on stealing glances at me. " I know I'm too handsome, but dont keep on looking at me. You will make me feel uneasy." I try to cheer her up.

" Bwoa?! " She looked away immediately and rolled her eyes.

" Kai, where are we going huh?" I looked at her and smirked without answering. I wanted to give her a surprise.

" Yah! Are you trying to kidnap me??" She said loudly but with a kidding tone. * I am happy that you have cheered up, my jagi...*

" You will soon know where are we going..."

Eun Ji P.O.V

Jagiya... jagiya...jagiya...

The word kept ringing in my ears after he suddenly spouted the word. Once, twice, thrice! He called me that thrice you know?!

Although I pretended to treat it as a joke, I have this weird feeling, same when Yeollie oppa called me his princess. Anyway I tell myself not to think too much, both the nicknames are just a joke.

" Wait here for me, Eun-ah. I have something i need to do." He got down from the car and headed to a supermarket.

I waited for him in the car. * What is taking him so long?*

After 10 minutes, he finally came out of the supermarket. He is holding 3 big plastic bags of things he bought. I can't ssee clearly what he bought. What is he up to?

He placed the things in the boot of the car and entered the car. " What did you buy in the supermarket? " i asked him out of curiosity.

He put on a mysterious smile and said, " Lets go to our destination. "

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