Chap 4: Get to know D.O

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I've sent my car for service so i must take the bus to go home. The last bus leave exactly 5 min later, i need to hurry to catch the bus if not i have to walk home. So there i am walking hurriedly through the rain towards the bus stop which is still a distance from the school gate. I saw her standing there in the cold rain shivering. Without hesitation, i went over and use my only umbrella to cover her. I'm scared she will catch a cold. Yes, it's Eun Ji, the new transferred student....i like her....i like her since kindergartden.

~ flashback ~

" Eun Ji- ahhh!!! Let's play! " 5 years old me called out to her.

" Okay!! Hahaha....^^ " even then, her smile is the sweetest thing i've ever seen in my life. She can make me happy just by smiling. I'll never be sad beside her.

Until one day....

" Eun Ji has transferred to America. She won't be here anymore. Let's wish her a happy life there. " Our teacher suddenly tell us the news after Eun Ji didn't come to school for a week.

I was so shocked by the news. * i didn't even get to say goodbye....or treat her her favourite ice cream before she left me. *

Until today, she's back. I knew she would come back to Korea. I've always waited for her.

" Eun Ji, what are you doing here in the rain? Are you waiting for Kai? " i asked since she mistakened me for Kai.

She nodded, " Kai told me to meet him here. "

" Well, you can meet him next time. Don't stand here in the rain, you'll catch a cold. " i'm worried for her.

She kept quiet.

" How will you go home? Are you taking the bus? "

She nodded again.

" But the last bus is going to arrive in a few minutes time! You should hurry. I'm also taking the bus. Let's go together. We can share my umbrella. "

She hesitated for a while and said, " Gomawo...."

" haha, i'm Do Kyung Soo, call me D.O "

" Gomawo D.O-shii !! " she said while smiling at me. * she still hasn't change. Her smile can light up my life. But i think she don't recognise me from kindergartden. "

We reached the bus stop just in time to catch the bus. We found a vacant seat and sat next to each other. I noticed Eun Ji is still shivering, she must be cold. I took off my jacket and drape it over her, " here, you will feel warmer with this. " She look at me gratefully and accepted it.


The noise of the rain make me feel sleepy. I look over at Eun Ji and noticed that she is already asleep. Her head keeps nodding back and forth as the bus is moving along. Without realising what i'm doing, i move closer towards her and softly use my hands to rest her head against my shoulder.

" Eun you still remember me? We used to play everything together when we were young..." I whispered softly...

After a few minutes, Eun Ji suddenly woke up. She realised she is leaning against me and blushed. " Mianhe, i didn't mean to..."

" Kwenchanna, it's actually me who leaned your head against my shoulder. "

That made her blushed even more....her whole face is really red now. * She's still cute! Kiopta!! *

" Um, thanks for everything. You helped me a lot. It's time for me to alight the bus. " She said all of a sudden.

" Here?? It's also where i should get down. "

She look at me unbelievably. " Really? " i nodded. * So her house is near mine and i can visit her anytime! *

We got down the bus. It is still raining. " Where are you staying? I guess we live near to each other. The place i'm staying is just a few blocks away from here. Well, it is still raining. I'll walk you home. "

I try to use my umbrella to cover her as much as i can so she will not get wet. She lead me to her house. By the time we got there, i'm drenched to the skin.

She turned around and look at me with a worried look, " Oh god, you are wet! I'm so sorry, you better come into my house and dry up. "

* she's worried about me...*

" Eun Ji...welcome home, so how's your first day of school? " Eun Ji's mother, i guessed, came out from the kitchen. She was startled when she saw me.

"Omma!!" Eun Ji rushed forward and hugged her mother. Then she turned around and introduce me.

" This is D.O, my friend. I didn't bring an umbrella so he walked me home. And because of me he's wet. He stays near here too...what a coincidence! "

" Nice to meet you ma'am." I said formerly with a bow.

" Thanks for taking care of my daughter. Come, sit and have a drink." Her mum invite me to the kitchen.

She made a cup of hot chocolate for me and Eun Ji. We sat together at the dining table and sipped our drink silently while her mother went to the living room to watch television. It was awkward...

I try to break the silence, " So, why are you waiting for Kai in the rain? " She then told me what had happened to her in the morning and recess time. But it seems that she is hiding something from me....

" I think something came up that made Kai cannot meet you on time, if you get to know him, he is quite a nice guy really. "

I finished my drink. " i think is about time for me to go. Thanks for the drink, goodbye! See you tomorrow at school. "

" And thank you for walking me home. I owe you one..goodbye! " She then see me to the door. I looked back and she waved at me. I waved back and said one last time...Anyeong!!
She closed the door and i head home.


D.O.....Do Kyung Soo....the name's familiar but i can't remember where and when i've heard it. I watched him from my bedroom window until he disappear into the rain.....

* Gomawo D.O-shii~~~ *

--- to be continued ----

I hope the story is not boring.

I'll upload the next chapter as fast as i can...^^

Please vote if you like it!! Tq..

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