Chapter 14 - Hidden

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"What the fuck." I say as I pull away.

"No it was my fault. I'm really sorry about this. It just felt like the right thing to do." Luke says as he wipes his lips.

"Did you like kissing me?"

Shocked with the words that suddenly slip from my mouth, I start to blush. Suddenly, Luke's cheeks have gone from pale white to bright red. "I've wanted to do that for the longest time I could remember. I used to tell myself that maybe one day I will and it kills me to see someone else do it for me." He smirks then shakes his head. "But it felt wrong." Luke says.

"So we don't feel the same then because for me, it was something else. I'm sorry too." I stand up and make my way to the stairs. "Sine." I turn my back to see Luke standing. "I know Luke. Never mind." I go back to Calum's room and see him still fast asleep. The guilt is killing me yet something's telling me I should've stayed there next to Luke.

I'm still confused as fuck at what happened but somehow relieved.

It was like nothing happened. Me and Luke still acted the way we do around each other and did the usual things we do everyday. "Luke," Calum calls from across the room. We were both on the sofa beside each other, meddling on our phones while Luke and Ashton were sitting across us. I look up and see that he's already looking at me. "Yeah bro?" He turns his attention to Calum. "How was Australia by the way?" Calum asks.

Ashton looks at me and I look at Luke. "It was great being back home. It's still the same." Luke looks back at his phone and starts tapping. "Thanks for the surprise. Again." Calum puts his arm around me then kisses my cheek. I smile then turn back my attention to Luke. He glances at me then clears his throat. "Sure, whatever for you, man."

Around 2:45pm, Ashton and Calum leave for an interview. "I'll be back, baby." He says kissing my forehead. Luke has his hand on my back while Michael is beside me stuck to his PS4. We both wave until the car goes out of our view. "I'll be upstairs," says Michael making his way up. Luke puts his hands down and I turn around. I was about to go but Luke stops me with his hand clinging onto mine. 

I forcefully let it go and walk away. "S-Sine. Please?" I look back to see him with a tired expression. I bite my lip and let out a big sigh. "Why didn't you tell me the truth?! Why the fuck did you have to come back for me?! You could've just let me suffer! Maybe I deserved it!" I yell at him. He walks over to me and hugs me. I calm down at this which also stops the incoming tears.

"If you've only seen what I've seen, you'd never be able to accept it. I couldn't bare seeing you like that, nor even imagining it. I don't know what was going through Calum's mind that time, sometimes it feels as if I'm the only one fighting for you. It was all breaking me too." Luke buries his head on my neck and I throw my arms around him. "Things would've been different." I add.

Letting go, we both fix ourselves and Luke leads me to the music room. "What are you gonna do when we go back for the second tour?" He asks opening the door. "I don't know. Probably gonna end it with Calum for the mean time." I plop myself on the floor and lie down. "Do you really love him?" Luke lies down beside me and faces me. "I do. I'm just not sure if he does." I say looking back at him. 

"Luke, play me a song." I tug his shirt while he sits on the piano stool and I'm sitting on the floor. "Fine." He whines but starts pressing some keys and looks at me. "This one is called "I've Got This Friend" Listen to the lyrics." He begins to play the notes and sing.

After the song, he looks back at me. "How was it?" He proudly smiles and then pouts. "You really got a thing going on here." I move my eyebrows up and down. He laughs then smirks. "That one was for you." He faces back to the piano and I manage to smile. "Thank you." I kiss his cheek and Luke turns a bit red.

After a few more songs, Luke stops. I was busy looking around the room until I felt two big arms around my waist, a chest pressed against my back, and a chin on my shoulder. He starts craddling me and I go with it.

"Will we ever be together?" He asks.

I feel my heart slowly tearing apart. I didn't know what to reply, so I said nothing. Luke slowly pulls away. "It's okay, I thought I'd never have the chance."

"I used to think about that a lot, about me and you. If it was ever possible. But right now I feel so confused and tired from Calum's shit. Oh Luke, I really don't know what to do." I say turning to him. He hugs me again but this time, burying my head in this chest. "Do what makes you happy and be with whoever makes you happy.

"Even if it's not me." He kisses the top of my head. I felt a pang of sadness hit me for Luke. Why did he have such strong feelings for me? I'm nothing but a plain, old, boring woman, I say to myself.

It was getting dark and the sound of the car honking makes me run to the door. Calum opens it, carries me and swings me around. Putting me down, he kisses me. "I love you." He whispers. "I love you too." I say kissing him lightly.

After dinner, we all storm to our rooms to pack for our flight tomorrow. I was busy putting the clothes back into my luggage when I hear a knock on the door. "Come in," I say. I turn to see who it is. It was Ashton. "Need help?" He says as he gets a few shirts and hands it to me. "Thanks." I get the shirts and tuck it in the luggage.

He helps me put the other things in and zips it up for me. "Thanks Ash." He smiles and makes the luggage stand. He puts it aside then faces me. I sit on the bed and he sits beside me. "Sine, would you listen to me if I had an opinion about your love life?" Surprised by his question, I slowly nod. "Go ahead." I add.

"Choose Luke."

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