Chapter 7 - Getaway

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"Why?!" I exclaim in surprise. "It's because of you. He wanted to be with you more than the fame. I talked to him last night while you were asleep. But I don't know what's going through his head now that he knows about what you did." He sits up, scratching his head.

"Yeah, maybe it's a blessing instead so it'd let him think again. All I wanted was for him to be happy in the first place." I say looking out to the open sea. If I could only drown myself right now, I would've. I would blame myself everyday if they ever did break up, but he has no reason anymore. Maybe he doesn't even want me back.

"Maybe he was already happy with you." Luke looks up to me then sighs. "Maybe." I say looking down at him. He gets up and checks his phone.

The ride home was so quiet and it seems I fell asleep. I wake up alone in the car and go ahead inside. I see Luke eating dinner. "She's finally awake." He says taking a spoon of rice into his mouth. I roll my eyes and head to the table. He makes a huge sigh then looks straight at me. "You need to get out of this place. Without me. You're always in tears and the drama Calum put you up with is stressing me out so much. Fuck yeah you need this shit." I laugh but search for the sarcasm in his tone but I knew he meant it.

"Like where? The Bahamas?" Luke smiles. "If you wanted to."


When we park at the airport, Luke tightly holds my hand. "I'll be there in 2 days. I just want you to be relieved from all this. You need time to think, well now is the time. When you get back, he might be probably here by then. So you gather those thoughts and think." I nod.

"Thank you so much. Why are you doing this for me anyways? You're supposed to be all mean and stupid.." I laugh and Luke just stares at me. He couldn't take it so he breaks into a smile.

We both go inside, and again, I hear girls screaming his name and running towards us. "Woah there ladies. Slow down." He takes some time into signing their notebooks, taking some pictures and talking to them. As soon as he's done, they say good bye and I stood there waiting. One of them looks at me and whispers something to the other girl but I tried not to mind it.

"Done yet, superstar?" I say. He gets hold of my luggage and carries it for me instead. "Pssh. Please. You're my number 1 fan, you don't need to deny it." He smiles and I stick out my tongue.

After 30 minutes of beating each other in Tap Tap, they call out for my flight. I stand up and put the iPod in the left pocket of my jeans. We both go in for a hug. "I hope you do the right thing." He whispers. I nod and grab my luggage.

I head to the boarding area and look at Luke one last time. He puts his hand in the air and smiles. I smile back and he goes ahead.

In the airplane, I look out the window and see that we're already above the sea. I can't wait to get to the Bahamas. This was my turn to relax.

As soon as we land, we're greeted by girls in Hawaiian costumes and they put flowers around my neck. I look for my name in on of the signs and see a tall and muscular man holding mine. "Miss Hastings?" he says looking down at me. Was I that short? "Yes" I say giving him my luggage. When I get outside, the fresh air greets my face and the view of the mountains fill my vision. Finally.

The hotel I'm staying in has all these lights lighted up and it's not even Christmas. The bell boy greets me and takes my luggage. I go to the front desk and confirm about my stay and how I'm paying. Or how Calum is paying. I try to remind myself not to get anything from the mini fridge.

My room was perfect. The windows were huge and my view was the sea. My bathroom had a big bathtub and a big shower.There was even a walk-in closet. How will I ever be able to pay for all this, if I was the one paying? I reminded myself that I should buy him dozens of Milky Way bars and a bunch of his favorite songs in iTunes.

When I hit the bed, I get a call from Luke. "How is it there? Is it beautiful? Can you eat the flowers? Is there enough air in there?" He starts up with a lot of questions and I just stay there silent. "Are you done?" I say. "Yep pretty much."

I tell him all the little details about my trip and he replies in excitement. "I can't wait to crash!" He says. "Oh nooooo. Oh greaaat. I wanna leave now." I whine. "Hey you owe me Milky Way bars!" He exclaims in the phone. "Okay okay. Listen I gotta go. Call you tomorrow okay?"

I take a long bubble bath and light up some scented candles around my bathroom. When I'm all cozy and fresh, I decide to take a walk around the hotel. In the lobby, a few bodyguards were sitting in the cozy brown chairs. Who was here?

I start taking a walk on the beach, feeling the cold sand between my toes and the salty air back in my lungs. The moon was so bright tonight making me see the faces of anyone who walked by. But I accidentally bump into someone who seems frustrated.

"Watch where you're going." he says. I knew that voice anywhere. I looked back.

It was Harry.

"Harry! It's me, Sine." He looks at me well and then laughs. "How could I have not known? And what the hell are you doin' here, you lil' shit? Aren't you supposed to be back at Australia waiting for Calum?" He teases me and swoons around me like a bird. "Well you don't know shit." I playfully say cursing back.

Harry and I talk for a while along the beach, how he's been and how's the band doing. "You're not dating anyone anymore?" I ask.

"Yeah. I think I'd try dating a fan." He says smiling. "But I hope they wouldn't eat me." I laugh and Harry couldn't help but laugh along too.

I look at the time and bite my lower lip. "I gotta go Harry. See you around?" He nods and I make my way back to the hotel.

I wash my feet and get all comfy in my bed. Before I close my eyes, I get a message and it was from Calum.

"Where are you? I know that you have a reason why you did those things, and all I can do is blame myself. I'm sorry for being so ignorant, for not telling you things and I take back what I said. I still love you. And it will always be you."

I don't reply but the thought puts me to sleep.

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