Chapter 8 - Relaxed

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I woke up fully rested and a bit happy. Then I remembered still need to find out who gave him those pictures and talk to him about his decision with the band. I find my phone somewhere between the covers and see a message from Luke. It was a picture of him with his thumbs up. I roll my eyes and smile. Then I slide over to Calum's name. I reply to his last text.

"Hey babe. It's okay, we'll talk about it when you get back. I'm here in the Bahamas, taking a day off. Luke's picking me up tomorrow. Can't wait to see you. Love you and miss you. xx"

I smile thinking of Calum, and all of the reasons why I love him flood back. This was the best way to start my day. I get into the shower, all giddy and happy, and change into my going out clothes. I put on a white Nirvana shirt, skinny jeans and my navy blue Vans.

As I dry my hair with the towel, I hear a ring coming from my phone. It was Calum calling.

"I miss you." he says under his heavy breath. I get a warm feeling in my heart and comfort myself by the sound of his voice. "I miss you more! I can't wait to see you soon." I say walking to the balcony. The morning air was just right. The sunlight wasn't too hurtful, it was relaxing. "I have to tell you so many things. Ugh. I'll be there soon. I love you, Sine. Please tell Luke that I miss him too. I'll call again later. Stay safe, babe." he adds. "Goodbye"

Even though with Calum's security was sealed around me, I still felt a piece of uncertainty. My mind was so wrapped about him leaving me and not loving me anymore, I forgot why he still would. I shake my head and tuck my phone into my pocket. I grab my blue sling bag and lock the door. As I make my way into the elevator, one of the hotel guests barges in.

I keep silent and look around the elevator. The elevator stops at the 2nd floor and the guest goes out. She had blonde hair and a really nice body, I say in my mind. The elevator stops at the ground floor and I bump into several people with cameras. They must be the paparazzi for Harry, mostly likely.

I wait in the lobby for my cab and play with my phone. I look up to the front desk and see that the same girl I was with in the elevator stood there signing. I looked down to my phone again and see another message from Luke, a picture of him with Ashton showing off their biceps. I reply with a picture of the 'Funny Hat Day' and a tongue out smiley. I smirk and look up to see the elevator girl sitting in front of me.

The hotel guard calls for me telling that my cab is ready. I get my sling bag and head outside. Getting in, I see 2 black cars parked around the corner. I cringed at the sight and shove it off. More bodyguards, more paps and more fans for Harryboy.

For the whole day, I've spoiled myself to clothes, food and massages. My mind is set on how I will be able to talk to Calum but Luke still keeps annoying me with his dorky messages and short nonsense phone calls. He calls me again while I'm in the cab going back to the hotel and I almost snap.

"Luke, what is wrong with you?!" I yelled. "I'm here!!" He shouts. "What?! Where?! Already?!" I yell back. "I'm in the rooftop with Harry." He laughs and a gust of wind blows into the phone.

I end the call and cross my arms. He said after two days and he wants me to think. Wow, Luke. Thanks a lot.

I arrive in the hotel full of girls. I grunt and make my way to the elevator. I open my door to see that my bed has been fixed and the smell is refreshing. I place my shopping bags on the glass table beside the TV and head out again to see the boys. When I arrive on the rooftop, I see Luke and a girl beside Harry. Her face looks familiar but I just can't quite say.

Luke runs to me and hugs me. "I feel so small when you do that." I say looking up to Luke. "But it looks so cute." He says looking down at me. I push him away with my two hands on his chest. "You're so annoying, Luke. Why don't you go bother some other lucky girl who would be pleased with your selfies and your stupid pictures. You're an annoying penguin," I say with my tongue out. Luke's face shows a bit of hurt and I start to feel bad about what I just said.

"Aww. I'm just joking. You're an annoying penguin, but a cute one." I say poking his side. He blows up his face, making his lips pout. I hug him by his waist and his face turns into a smile. We both walk over to Harry and the girl who is leaning by the low, cement wall

"Harry!!" I shout. "Sine! I want you to meet that fan I was talking to you about," He says winking. "This is Natalie. She's from the UK." He says giving her a little push towards me.

We both shake hands and she smiles when she looks at me. "You were the girl I was in the elevator with," She laughs. "Oh! No wonder why you're familiar." I say nodding and giving her a smile. She shrugs and smiles back.

We spent the night talking and laughing in Harry's room. I go to my room around 2am and drop myself on my bed.

The next morning, Luke wakes me up. "Hey, you're gonna be late for your flight. Wake up." He pinches my nose and my eyes burst at this gesture. I groan , drag myself into the shower and pack up.

In the lobby, Harry and Natalie were sitting in the couches. Natalie's head was rested on Harry's and he was focused on his phone. Harry sees us and waves. "See you soon." He gives me a cheeky smile. Natalie looks at me and smiles too. I give it back and go to the front desk with Luke, signing everything that has to be signed. I get into the cab and rest my head in Luke's lap. He plays with my hair and listens to his rock music until we reach the airport.

With him by my side, we both go to the check in area which is bound for Australia. I hand over my ticket and the girl looks at me confused. "Is there something wrong?" I ask in confusion. "Yes. It seems that you're not bounded to Australia. You're supposed to be going to London."

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