Chapter 9 - Boys

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"Come with me." Luke grabs my hand and goes into one of the cabs waiting outside the airport. We've just landed in London and I'm still surprised that I'm actually here, I'm actually gonna see him. 

What will I say? Or what will I do?

We get in the cab and Luke starts texting like crazy. "I never got to thank you in the plane, for this and everything. Again." I say looking at him shyly. He looks at me and smiles. All these years of hysterical nonsense, I'd never imagine him to be my knight in shining armor. He is my bestfriend, but I never knew he had this side in him.

Instead of just going back to what he was doing, Luke pulls me in for a hug. "You're the little sister I never had, how can I not give you this." he says pulling me in tighter. "You're the brother I never had" I add. Luke pulls away, kisses my forehead and goes back into his phone. While texting, he starts giving the driver directions.

After a few minutes, we stop at an apartment. Luke pays the taxi and he looks at me. I mouth him with the words "what" and he just looks away. We both open our doors and get out, with Luke on his phone and me shivering. It was cold and I certainly did not bring a jacket. He gets the rest of my luggage in the back and I stand there with my smaller luggage. He keeps on blabbering about some "arrangements" and "practices" yet still manages to keep things running with me. It was one of his hidden talents. 

We go inside the apartment and I'm greeted by the door with a tall guy in his pink pajamas. It was Michael.

He looks at me with his big eyes and slowly pulls me into a hug. "Why are you here?" he asks me while he pulls away but sticks his hands on my shoulders. "Calum," I say staring into Michael's eyes. He nods, puts his hand over my shoulder and we both go inside. "Hey, potato boy, help me over here." We turn around seeing Luke struggle with the two luggages in his arms while his phone is on his left ear. "Ooops."

Michael jumps on the sofa and spreads his arms on both sides. "You became thinner," Michael adds. "Ashton and I should feed you." he says looking at the kitchen. "I know, right?" Luke adds as he was making his way upstairs. I sigh and shrug.  

I look around the house, wondering if Calum was here at the moment. Apparently not. I end up back in the living room again and decide to watch some TV with Michael.

After a few shows, Luke goes down to the kitchen with his phone glued to his ear again. "Is he always like this?" I ask and look at Michael.

"Depends. Sometimes he would just stay quiet or sometimes he would go to the music room and write songs. There are times, that the next thing you know he's around the corner taking a nap. Back home he wasn't really like this, remember? Luke, he's gotten more weird and serious. A complete wackjob, if that's what you call it." Michael shakes his head and goes back to his show.

I smirk and tell myself, so this is the Luke everyone's been dealing with for the past 2 months. I guess when he went back home, he felt normal again because he's never been like this before.

I stand and go to the kitchen. I see Luke sitting down and eating a banana while texting. I sit beside him and look at him. "Luke?" I look at him, waiting for a response. "Luke?" Again, nothing. I forcefully put down his phone with my hand and he looks at me. "What?!" He raises is eyebrows and stops chewing. "Stop sticking yourself to your phone." I tell him.

"I'm sorry, okay? I just have so much to do." He goes back to chewing and looks at his phone again. "Don't tell me you brought me here so can be glued to your phone. Luke, please. Not while I'm here." I say grabbing his hand before he can start texting again. "Okay, fine." He says putting his phone down and starts eating his banana again. "So what is it?" He says looking at me. I give him a confused look and he laughs. "Oh. Calum's not here yet. He'll be home later." 

I nod and Luke stands up. "Come on, I'll show you to your room." I follow him upstairs and see a door way at the back, half open. "Here you go. Beside you is my room and Ashton's, we'll be your nightmare protectors. Just give us a knock on the wall." He gives me a cheeky smile then pats my head and goes back down.

I go inside and see my luggage on the floor. I walk around the room and stop at the wooden closet. I open it and see a few jackets and hoodies hung on the side, they were Luke's. 

After a warm bath, I change and head down stairs again. This time the three of them were in the couch. Luke, Michael and Ashton.

Ashton turns his head and sees me. His face starts to light up and he stands, opening his arms for me to run into. "Weeehey, it's our little girl! I missed you." I hug him and he falls back into his seat. He pushes Michael aside, making a small space for me to sit. I sit comfortably and Ashton puts his arm around me. "I missed you too, Ash. So Where's Calum?" I say looking at Luke. "Umm, he's out late. Doing some recordings and stuff. Don't worry there, dearie. You get to see him." says Ashton. "You'll see him in the morning." says Luke.

After a 2 movies, Michael yawns and gets up. "Goodnight lads." He smiles and messes my hair. They love doing that. 

He starts going up stairs and keeps giving out small yawns. I move a bit more to where Michael used sit and rest my head on Ashton. 

I wake up screaming and crying. Luke opens the door and goes to my bed. He calms me down by rubbing my back as I try to relax. I see Ashton and Michael by the door. No Calum.

"Guys, it's okay. I'll handle this." Luke says looking at the boys then at me worriedly. Ashton tries to smile but leaves instead. Michael nods and goes.

"Shhh. It's okay. I'm here." He wipes the tears that trickle on my cheek and hugs me. He craddles me back and forth so I could stop and I try. I keep the Calum questions to myself, as tired as I am, I didn't have enough energy to poke around.

Instead, Luke lies down with me while still rubbing my back. I sniffle and start to breathe slowly. He stops and puts the covers on both of us while I try to hum myself back to sleep. He hugs me from behind and starts singing to me. "Luke," I say turning to him. He looks at me and brushes the hair of my face. He nods in disagreement. "I don't know." He says.

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