Chapter 10 - Another

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I wake up to Ashton sitting beside me with Michael between us squirming and Luke busy with his cellphone on the floor."Boys?" I say getting up and looking around.

"Are you okay now?" asks Ashton. He moves his body over Michael and checks my forehead with the back of his hand. "Ashton!" Michael complains then pushes Ashton who falls on the floor. I laugh and so does Luke. "Yeah. I guess."

We all go down for breakfast. "Let the lady make breakfast." says Ashton with a deep voice while sitting on the counter. I grab a loaf of bread and put 2 pieces in the toaster. "What do you boys want?" I say looking at Luke who's still stuck to his phone. "An omelet would be great," says Michael. He gets 2 bananas from the fridge and throws one at Luke who manages to catch it. "Alright."

After eating, the boys decide to take me out. I realized that I should just wait for Calum instead of pestering everyone around here with my questions. They're probably annoyed with it already.

Me and Michael stay in the back seat while Luke's in front and Ashton drives. "Where to?" I ask Ashton. "What do you wanna do, mate?" he says looking at Luke. "Let's go buy me some pants." says Michael complaining. We laugh and Ashton nods.

At the store, Ashton and Michael storm around with a bunch of clothes in their arms while me and Luke sit on the comfy white chairs. They go in and out of the changing room, modeling clothes for us. "I think that one looks great on you." I say looking at Michael who's sporting a black Vans tank top and a pair of white ripped jeans.

Ashton comes out giving us a little dance and we all laugh hysterically. "That one too Ash." I say trying to stop my laughter. After a few minutes of choosing which one is better, the boys finally pay and we head out.

Before we get to the car, we're stopped by a bunch of fan girls. I look around me to see all of them trying to get the boys attention, getting pictures and stuff signed. I smile thinking of how they must be living the life. "I love you girls." says Michael while he hugs the 2 girls who gave him a doddle of himself. On the other side, Luke is busy signing and taking a lot of photos. So is Ashton.

The group of girls wave goodbye to the boys. "Whoa they didn't notice me?" I say in surprise. "Maybe they were too busy with us." says Ashton shrugging his shoulder and giving me a cheeky smile. I punch his arm and he gives out a moan. We all get in the car and drive off.

Luke turns on the radio and one of their songs come up. They start rocking out in the car and making weird faces. "I know! Let's kill time in the park and grab lunch somewhere after." says Ashton in the middle of their mini concert. "Okay." I answer back.

The car stops and Luke goes out first. Michael drags himself out and plops himself on the swing. I get out before Ashton does and we both race each other on the slide. Ashton just sits on top of the slide and I lean on his back.

"Michael, show Sine the video we made." says Ashton looking down at Michael. He hands him his phone and I turn my back to see it.

I see all four of them talking about a load of things and then suddenly Ashton asks Calum The other 3 boys start to tease him and he gets really red. Luke takes over the cam. He says that they have to go since it's recording time and that they'll be back soon.

"Was this posted?" I asked looking at Ashton. "Yep!" He locks the phone and gives it back to Michael. I look down and think of what Luke said before. Has he changed his mind?

Ashton slides down and goes to Luke who is sitting on the seesaw. "Let's make a video."

Ashton gets his phone and they start off with Luke pouting and pointing the other side of the seesaw. Suddenly, Michael jumps on it and Luke yells. The three of them laugh and I try not to. After a few words, they finish the video and look at me. "Leggo for lunch!" yells Michael.

After lunch, we go straight back to the apartment. Luke drags himself on the couch, moaning. Ashton jumps on him, making his body lay on top of Luke. He hugs Luke and Luke stops moaning. Michael slowly sits beside them and turns on the TV.

"Don't you guys have any recording to do?" I ask while looking at them. "Nahh. We're supposed to rest today and head back to Australia in 4 days." says Michael. "Okay. If any of you need me, I'll be upstairs." I say making my way upstairs.

I lie down and put my earphones on. Before I fall asleep, there's a knock on my door. "Come in."

Luke comes in and smiles. He closes it and lies down beside me. "Something wrong?" I ask him. I get one of the earphones off and face him. He nods in disagreement and closes his eyes. I put back the other earphone and close my eyes too. I'm taken away to the sweet remedy of sleep.

Sooner or later, I wake up with my hand trying to feel if Luke is still beside me but he wasn't. I grunt and carry myself to the bathroom. I freshen up and check my watch. It's 5pm already. I change my clothes and head down stairs.

The boys weren't in the living room but the noise was coming from the kitchen. As I head down, Luke was just about to go up. "I was just about to wake you up." He looks at me and sticks out his tongue, biting it.

I go with him downstairs and see the boys on the table. In the far end, I saw Calum. My heartbeat went so fast, it felt like it was gonna burst out of my chest. Seeing him made me both happy and sad.

Calum gets up and runs into me for a hug. "Damn it." he says with a shaky voice. I look at the rest of the boys who seem happy at this sight. I hear Calum sniffling and I take a look at him. "Why are you crying, Cal?" I pull him in more for a tighter hug. "I miss you so much." he says slowly.

The boys get up, Ashton pats his back and they all leave us alone. Calum looks at me, brushes my cheek and kisses me with his tears. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He whispers between kisses.

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