Part 11 Final chapter

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Hi guys..;). I hope you enjoyed my story obsession. But there wasn't much votes but still it holds an 31 rank in mystery/thriller. Thanks for your support. Please share this story to your friends to make it better one. I hope you guys do it and hit the like button in case you liked it....I will be happy. And if your guys need any bonus chapters in case to know more about what happened then you can tell me by your comments, I will add them up, otherwise this story is officially ending here....

Jenna enjoyed with Andy whole night to make sure that he will help her out in her research. He was not bad but he didn't acknowledge her as a true lover after of course hearing about Martin, her crush. But he did realise his mistake and apologized to her. Now they were happy couple though she was sad about Martin.

Jack drove his car enthusiastically, but he had an uneasy feeling from the morning. May be he missed her so much, being with her and make fun of each other and literally laughing out loud during funny movies. He did miss those days. He parked his car in the garage. Before he didn't forget to buy strawberry cake with words flowing "happy fourth anniversary" with bunch of flowers along with beautiful diamond necklace. He went to knock the door but instead he thought to give her surprise. He entered inside and luckily the door left ajar made him surprise and stepped into hall and placed cake and everything. The home was silent. He heard a thud sound in upstairs. He was suspicious now. He took his gun and carefully stepped into the steps without making much noise. His heartbeat raising suddenly and doesn't feel right something about this. He looked to the closed door. His mind was shutting down not able to process everything. He eavesdrop through the door....until... No no no...he opened the door wide and see Linda crumbled down in the bedroom with pool of blood surrounding her. He shifted his gaze to the next space to see the killer. He raised his gun and shot him without thinking twice.


He woke up from his little nap in the car while an young man returned with the cake he ordered. He couldn't stay any longer there. was just a dream....dream. He pronounced it till the end of his driving. May be the killer might strike at his home. Who knows? He didn't wait any more to race the car and finally reached and parked in the garage. He went and slightly touch the door to check with the lock and it was locked. He let out a breath and opened the door with his spare key. He looked into the kitchen and it was empty. His heart beat were raising literally. He placed the cake and went in search of Linda. May be she left home to buy something. He was yet afraid. He slowly moved into laundry room and found it empty. He slowly paced up to the stairs and opened the guest bedroom and there was no sign of her. He moved to their bedroom and opened lightly without making much noise and.......there she is. He let out a relief breath......until he looked up something weird about her...he can see her in the mirror which was in front of her and across himself where she can't see his reflection. He can't believe his eyes....there she is......Linda took a knife and cut her right thumb without any hesitance and slitting her wrist multiple times with finally slit her throat with same knife and fell down in front of his eyes. The mirror showed the number one written in blood and some tablets and the coffee mug that he gifted her were there in the dressing table saying, "My best wife - Lin" and grinning heavily at him. He was too stunned to move himself and to process properly to gather himself to act before the killer herself taking out her life.


So guys how was it? Did you guys enjoyed it? You can't guess it right. Haha...don't kick me. Do you want to know more about killer herself or Linda? In case just tell me..I will add some bonus chapters to clear your untold answers. Well Jenna escaped finally. Haha...okay that's it for now. Already I am deprived of sleep, so now going to bed at 2.30 am. Nighty night. Love you guys.

OBSESSION √ ( Completed) Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now