Part 4 Sadness

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"Who is that?" She asked. She heard some sound in the kitchen few minutes back.

The silence prevailing over the kitchen. She leaned towards the kitchen. The only way to enter the store room via the kitchen. She saw nothing in the kitchen and move back to her room. She changed her clothes and entered her grandma's room. Her grandma was sleeping quietly. She kissed her grandma and went back to her room.

She couldn't sleep and she felt uneasiness. She got down and went back to kitchen to eat some snacks. She opened the fridge and took out water bottle and chips and left the kitchen. When she was heading back, she was shocked to see her opened backyard door. She didn't notice it before. She quickly went and locked the door tightly. She ran towards her room and made sure that her door locked properly. She didn't feel this kind of uneasiness before. She lied down and shut her eyes closely. She slowly drifted to sleep. Her closet door was opened slightly with an creaky sound to reveal the killer.

Someone's POV :

I entered the bus which she took and waited for the bus to stop in the Middle lake. She got down before itself and I increased my pace behind her. She didn't bother anyone. When I came near to the street, it was quiet but someone was around us, so I kept my pacing slow. I can see clearly from here behind the big caravan. She entered the house and I was expecting something but if my instinct was right, someone was watching me. After finishing up my work, I didn't turn back and move from there. I waited a few minutes until I heard siren, walked to the dark area where I kept my bike earlier and rode away.


The police officers were taking prints on the room in which the murder that happened in midnight. Her grandma was sitting and crying to her all heart. She didn't expect to see her granddaughter lying around dead in her room, when she went to wake her up with their favourite food. She was like her younger age friend. They both were close. She felt very sad. Jack arrived there after Arnold informed him.

"Officer please, Could you search the killer as soon as possible? Punish them whoever did this to her" she cried badly on Arnold's hands when Jack entered.

Jack embraced her in his arms. She was like his grandmother too and Dorothy was his best friend.

"I am still living here like an iron but she died young in some bastard hands, Why Jack? What she did to them?" She couldn't control her tears.

Jack itself shocked to see Dora dead. They are sure about the serial killer. He was very afraid and he didn't know how he is going to tell to Linda. She loved Dora very much, in fact she was her beloved cousin. He remembered something in between and called Linda.

"Hey honey, Where are you? Get up and go to home now" Jack shivered and talked in shaky voice.

"Hey Jack, What happened to you? Are you okay?" Linda asked with concern.

"Honey, stop your work, please go home now, I will be right there" Jack almost cried.

"I am in home Jack, I came earlier today, What was that?" Linda raised her voice to get an answer from him.

"No...nothing just be safe till I come, lock the doors" He hungup the phone.

Linda didn't know why he said like that. But she locked all of the doors and sat on the couch to watch the television. After few minutes, door bell rang and she opened to see frustrated Jack.

"Jack...she quickly cut off by his hug. He hugged her tightly. He went and drank some water. Linda left him to speak after he got settled over in his couch.

"What's happening Jack? Why were you nervous?" Linda asked him.

"Lin... I mean Dora..." He struggled to speak. She got nervous now. She didn't know what he is going to tell.

"Yeah..Dora, she called me two days back, she said that she was going to grandma's, Did she called you?" She asked little louder.

"Dora...Dora is died" He said silently sobbed.

"What? could she.." Linda stammered but her throat was dry and her tongue didn't form any words right now. She couldn't believe her ears. Dora spoke two days back. Now she is dead. Linda cried but that is not good for her..not during her pregnancy.


"What were you doing here at that time?" Arnold asked harshly to the boy who stood in front of him.

"I just..I was following her" He stuttered.

"Her? You mean Dora? Why are you following her? Are you the one who killed her brutally?" Arnold punched his face.

"No, sir ..I was just following my girlfriend, but I lost her in between then I ran back from there when I heard siren" He wiped out his blood in his right hand.

"What was she doing there? What is her name by the way?" Arnold looked furiously. May be he held some chance to find out the killer.

"Jenna....Jenna Williams" He spat the blood.

Arnold instructed someone in the officer to take care of the person. The officer asked his name.

He replied, "Andy Watson". He took him to the hospital.

I am just sad that no one showed interest in reading this story. I wondered where are my friends went? I just need your support and encouragement always. Please vote and comment and show your support. Thank you. I hope you like this chapter

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