Chapter 17 - Isaac over Alivia

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Sarah's P.O.V.

I finished my story and looked over at Lucky, the poor dog looked so worn out. Even though he sleeps almost everyday.

"Interesting story, but I'm really confused with something.." Raven said.

"What's that?"

"Why would you chose Isaac over Alivia? I mean, you've been with Alivia more than you've been with Isaac. Don't you think? For example, what if Isaac was a traitor? We'd all be doomed right now!" Raven explained.

"Isaac's too big of a wimp to try anything." I looked over at Isaac and he frowned, but knew I was right.

"Yes, true, but what if he was faking it?" Raven suggested, there was a split second of silence before Lucky growled.

"What is it, boy?" I asked looking over at him again.

"I still can't believe you have a dog," Raven laughed changing the subject. "Not even I could find a dog, how did you do it?"

"Actually, he found me." I smiled rubbing his ears and he put his head back down.

"Well still...I think that's pretty-" Raven yawned in the middle of her sentence. "excuse me, I guess that's my cue to go on ahead and go to bed!" Raven laughed again and stood up.

"Thanks again for letting us stay here. Now a days people wouldn't let a complete stranger into their home." Mom smiled generously.

"Oh, my dear, thank you for giving us food! It you wouldn't have shown up, we would be a goner!" Raven chuckled and headed to the stairs. "If you guys need anything, my rooms across from the room you'll be staying in, Sarah. The bathrooms down the hall and to the right if you've gotta go. Goodnight!" Raven explained walking to the top of the stairs.

"Goodnight!" Lilly yelled.

"So why did you choose him?" Cole asked when his sister had left the room.

"I-I don't know...I loved Isaac.." I looked down and my cheeks burned as they slowly began to turn red.

"I think it was a good choice...kind I don't, I think she should've chosen Alivia." Isaac moaned and I looked up at him.

"But you told me I should ditch her, why would you change your mind?" I asked turning so my side faced him.

"At first I did, but when she finds know...And I don't want to lose you. You're all I have..besides your mother, sister, and dog of course." I could feel a smile forming on my face, he's warmed my heart like this before. I see why mom dated that guy now. Maybe it wasn't totally for the money.

"What happens when Alivia finds you?" Cole whispered. Isaac made a throat cutting sign to his neck and Cole's eyes widened.

"Man that's bad...If you want me to guard the door tonight I will.." Cole half whispered.

"That would be..phew, thanks man!" Isaac got up and so did Cole, Isaac smacked Cole hard on the back and nodded happily. 

'Oh Alivia..why did you have to do this to us? Making me chose Isaac over you..'

"What's the matter Sarah?" Mom asked me, she can sometimes tell when I'm upset.

"I feel like I'm being watched do you?" I looked up at mom and she shook her head.

"I don't," Mom lowered her voice so the others couldn't hear, "can you feel zombies nearby?"

"None at all..."

"Maybe you need rest?" Mom suggested.

"Yeah..yeah that's it..I'm just tired.."

Isaac's P.O.V.

A few hours had passed since Sarah and the others went to bed, Cole and I have been talking for awhile when I heard myself yawning.

"Tired?" Cole asked.

"A little, but I'll make it." I yawned again.

"Go ahead and sleep upstairs, I'll be down here if you need anything." Cole smiled.

"Thanks, if you get hungry, you know where to find food. Help yourself!" I stood up and walked up the stairs.

"Thanks, I'll be here." Cole called from downstairs, I waved at him and went to Sarah's room to check up on her. She was asleep on one bed and Jannet was asleep in the other with Lilly close to her side. I went to the room nearby and saw Raven asleep in there. I went to the very end of the hallway and to the room on the right. The bathroom was on the left, as Raven had said before going to bed. I entered my room and went to lay in the bed. I closed my eyes for a piercing second and something covered my mouth cutting off the yells I had tried to make.

"I'm so sorry.." The voice said before I passed out.

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