Chapter 11 - Gone, Gone, Gone

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Sarah's P.O.V.

She was really gone. I can't believe I would just dump her like that. I am such a horrible person. I guess I was blinded by love...

"It's alright Sarah, don't feel bad about what you had to do." Isaac smiled slightly.

"Don't feel bad? You just ditched your best friend! And for what, a boyfriend?" Mom shouted.

"As you can see, I'm not the smartest in our family!" I called.

"True, but why did you ditch her? She's your best friend, even more important than Isaac over here!" Mom pointed out.


"Hush it, smart ass!" Mom snatched and Isaac quickly shut up. I don't care what point Mom pointed out, what's done can't be undone! The past has already passed, we have to stick with the present from now on! And nothing will ever change that.

"Mom, can I speak with you--alone." I gestured to Isaac and he walked out of the room and into the front of the station.

Isaac's P.O.V.

What the hell was I thinking? Telling Sarah to ditch Alivia was the most idiotic thing I could've ever done! I'm more than likely the most wanted man in America now! Alivia will wait till I'm alone...then she'll snap my neck! Or even worse...she'll make my death slow and painful. Oh, god what have I done? I've really fucked up this time! 

An hour has passed by and Sarah is still talking with Jannet. What could they be talking about? Should I--no! Why would that thought even pop up in my mind? That's not even human! Eavesdropping...fine! Maybe just for a min-

"Alright I'll see what I can do." Sarah agreed walking out of the room.

"That took forever!" I smiled trying to look innocent.

"Were you eavesdropping on us?" Sarah asked plainly.

"Honestly I was about to, then you came out of the room, haha.." I laughed brushing my hand against my hair for reassurance.

"Hmm...well I guess you seem honest enough..." Sarah nodded walking over to Lilly. She was still asleep.

"Damn, that girl can really sleep through anything, can't she?" I walked over to Sarah.

"You should see her sleep through tornadoes, haha." Sarah laughed softly.

"So, what exactly did you and Jannet talk about?" I asked sitting on the cold, solid floor.

"We talked about Alivia," She paused to see my reaction then continued, "then Jannet thought it would be a good idea to make a map for the places that we may go."

"I see.." I thought about it and it did sound like a pretty good idea.

"Would you like to help us make the map?" Sarah questioned handing me her hand.

"Yeah." I said grabbing her hand.

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