Chapter 12 - Map Making

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Sarah's P.O.V.

Making a map shouldn't be as hard as people say they are, I mean, all you have to do is draw the area that you are currently staying in and then just carry on drawing on the way. Not that difficult, right? Wrong.

"Wait! The station goes here, not over there!" Isaac ranted.

"You just said it goes there and not over here and now you're saying it's the other way around?" I asked.

"...I don't know ask Jannet." Isaac threw his hands in the air and went to get my mother.

"Okay, Isaac, what was soooo important?" Mom questioned staring at him.

"We can't figure out where this station is supposed to go..." Isaac declared.

"Oh, well it obviously goes here." Mom pointed at a spot on the half-way-finished map.

"I fucking told you!" I yelled at Isaac.

"Sorry." Isaac uttered.

"Excuse me?" I glared at him and his face turned bright red.

"I'll be in here if you need me..yeah." Isaac stuttered darting into the back room.

"So, how are you doing on that map?" Mom inquired.

"I guess it's kinda going good, but we're going to have to move soon. Real soon..." I spoke.

"Why? What's wrong?" Mom demanded sitting on the floor next to me.

"You know that I'm kind of part zombie, which means that I can tell when a zombies close by, right?" I looked at mom concerned.

"Yes, I guess it's possible." Mom nodded in agreement.

"Mom," I whispered so Isaac couldn't hear, "there's a horde coming tonight."

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