Chapter 12

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Taeyong's POV

Bwo? That pierced right through my heart. "I'm a disgrace?" I asked, feeling devastated. "I'm just so angry! You're the oldest but you just don't give a damn!" He went on. I suddenly feel like dropping to my knees and apologize but I thought about how my whole family hates me.

"THEN GO! GO TO YOUR MOTHER AND FATHER! AREN'T THEY AT THE HOSPITAL? THEN GO! I NEVER NEEDED ANY OF YOU!" I burst as I threw a nearby vase at him. Luckily, I missed. "Fine!" He spat and stomped out. Without looking back, I yelled and punched the wall.

"Where are you going? Who said- YAH! GET BACK HERE!" I heard Aunt Cassie yell. I walked towards the door and was about to lock the door but it burst open. Wae? Why can't they just accept me for who I am? I don't want to continue Dad's position in a stupid hospital.

I just want to do what I want to do! "Taeyong what the hell happened?!" Aunt Cassie demanded. I completely ignored her and left the room. I went straight into my room as I wanted to grab a hoodie.

Then I realized the wheelchair that stood by the bed. She was sleeping so soundly and it's starting to make me wonder if I am using her. Am I using her? Ani! Taeyong are you going to let that small little sentence bug you? Don't be weak!

"Taeyong?" I heard a voice. I looked away from the ground and paid my attention to her. "N-ne?" I asked. "Do you want to get some rest or something? I can move to a room if you want." She said but I quickly denied. "Just getting some stuff. Go back to sleep." I said, smiling warmly.

She's a little different now. Well, she used to be so tough and sharp about everything but I think she accepted the fact that I was trustworthy. "You can stay here, I'm meeting my friends so I won't be coming back. Um, I mean I'm coming back here but not so soon." I chuckled as I slowly backed away, heading for the door.

She just nodded and waved as I close the door.

Aeyoung's POV

As soon as he left, I went into a sitting position and tied my messy hair properly. I wonder where he's going. Probably the hospital. That reminds me! I should contact Sarang and Chanwoo. It's been a while since we communicated. I grabbed the transmitter from my pocket and used it.

"BIG.S, you there?" I called out. I didn't get a reply but the door to my room opened. It was one of the maids. "You're awake Miss Kim. How are you feeling? " She asked as she took a seat by the bed. "I feel a little giddy but I think I'm fine," I answered with a little laugh.

"Great! Would you like to join us for lunch? It's 3 in the afternoon and you have not eaten for more than 6 hours." She invited. I smiled and said, "Sure! I think I might need help getting in the wheelchair." She just smiled in return and assisted me.

As she pushed me out, a lady was pacing back and forth in the living room, in front of the television. It looks like she's calling someone but I can't confirm because the maid made a left turn towards the kitchen.

"There she is! Are you felling better dear?" Halmeoni asked. I just nod and smiled as I felt uncomfortable. "A meal would revive that energy! On today's menu, Grilled Salmon with vegetables and a fruit milkshake!" She exclaimed.

I'm starting to like her already. She's so positive and bright even at an old age. I looked around but I couldn't see Wonwoo anywhere. "Your friend is at the beach. Don't worry he's safe." The lady from before said.

"Madam, I can't contact him." I heard the lady whisper from Halmeoni. Him? "Aigoo, this child is such a trouble maker! He could just tell us where he went." She said as she began to eat. "Did Taeyong run away?" I quietly asked.

"Ne. Oh! Did he tell you where he went?" She asked. Didn't taeyong say where he was going? Hmm.."He went to meet his friends." As soon as I said that, that lady rushed off. "Wae? Is something wrong?" I asked as I panicked slightly.

Is he not allowed to meet his friends? Chakaman, is he going to fight? "I'll be straight with you since you're a friend of his. I'm just worried about him. He's my only grandchild left. So I allow him to fight but not at this timing. I'm pretty sure you know why, Aeyoung." She explained.

She can read my mind?! "I don't understand. Isn't Jaehyun also your grandchild?" I asked, trying to figure it out. I realized that the 2 maids were fidgeting and looking elsewhere as if they knew. "We'll continue later. Finish up. You can meet your friend by the beach soon." She said and stood up.

Crap. Was that question a little too sensitive? Well, she was the one who wanted to be straightforward with me. Aigoo, I'm confused! "Noona!" I heard someone call from the front door. I peeked from the corner of the wall and saw Wonwoo with a weird expression.

"Ne?" I asked. He had a worried look on his face but said, "I found something cool!" Luckily, the maids were clearing Halmeoni's plates or else Wonwoo could have been seen. "I think I'm done. Thank you for the delicious food." I said with a smile.

I grabbed the round metal bars on the wheels and pushed myself to the door. "Wae?" I whispered. "Ppalli! It's nice outside!" He yelled, making it sound too obvious that he was faking it. When he shut the door, he pushed me quickly to the entrance of the beach.

There was a walkway made of wood and flowers are grown by the benches nearby. When we were far enough from the house, he said, "I can't contact Chanwoo. I'm losing my mind! I haven't seen him for so long!"

"I can't contact Sarang either. Well, I'm not sure if she said anything but I found out something interesting." I said while looking around. He came closer and I whispered, "Halemeoni knows about the North Koreans."

He stepped back and yelled, "BWO?!" I quickly shushed him and asked, "By the way, can I ask if, you know, if you have information about Taeyong? I'm just curious about his family history." He gave me a teasing look but I slapped his shoulder hard.

"Yah! I didn't say anything! I don't even know him that well. Noona we just knew him when we were in our first years. We didn't contact for a while but somehow, we're just close. NOT CLOSE, I mean we just know each other." He explained.

I sighed in disappointment plucked a flower, throwing it at him. It's driving me crazy! I swear, I'm dying to get answers! "But don't you at least like him? Not even a teensy bit?" He asked and that almost made me break his arm.

Then I heard, "I'm here. Sorry it took a while to answer. Are you alright? I heard a fight broke out outside of the cafe." Sarang say. "Wae? What's up?" I asked as she took quite a while to answer. "I was on call. It was about the Last Fight. Remember the street that SLAYERS and EDGE have been fighting for about a year?" She asked.

"Jinjja? A year?" I asked. Damn, no offense but I'm not really fond of other groups. Especially those who talk, ALOT. *cough* EDGE *cough* "They made a deal to end it tonight. I tell you, it's not going to end well. Both groups have full strength and there might be some others who are spectating. It's held at the abandoned basketball court at the pArk." She said.

"The pArk? No way. There must be loads who are expecting. Are you going?" I asked Sarang as I looked at Wonwoo. "Ani, I want to stay hidden. I wouldn't want to waste my time watching some fight that will last forever." She said and laughed.

"So, how is Chanwoo? His brother won't stop freaking out when he couldn't contact him." I said. As I waited for her answer, Wonwoo threw a glare at me. I mouthed 'Mian' but he just rolled his eyes. "He's fine. Well, he's been sleeping a lot. Like a lot! He wouldn't even hear the alarm clock ringing right beside him." She complained.

"Alright. Well, we'll keep in touch again soon. If you have any info, tell me asap. Bye!" I chuckled. "Stay safe, bye!" She said and we ended the short chat. "Come on. They'll think we are up to something." I said as I pushed myself. When he started to push me, we saw the sun starting to set.

"It's been a while since I saw a sunset like this," Wonwoo said. After admiring the sunset till it was gone, we decided to head back to the house. When we arrived, there was a black van parked outside and it looked like the someone broke in.

I signaled Wonwoo to check it out before I could get closer. When he peeked through the gap of the door, he had a shock expression on his face. Suddenly, the door was pulled from the inside.

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