life and death

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I had fallen asleep again. But I soon felt someone shake my shoulder. I groaned and opened my eyes. It was Dahvie. “Wake up Jayy” he whispered. Laughing quietly. I sat up and said “I am awake. What’cha want?” he giggled at me and said “I have a plan to see how Haley treats you when I’m gone” I grinned. He did believe me and he wanted to see it for himself. But how could he see it? A camera? “How can you see it?” I asked in a whisper. He smiled and said “I’m going to go outside and drive my car out of view. Then I want you to go out on the patio for a smoke” wait how did he know I started smoking again? I ignored it and kept listening to his plan “then I’m going to hide in the bushes and watch. Sound good?” he asked. I smiled and nodded. It was so simple it just might work. “Oh and Dahv?” I asked. He turned towards me and asked “what?” I sighed and asked timidly “how did you know I started smoking again?” he grinned slightly. “Jayy I pay more attention to you than you give me credit for. I know I haven’t always been by your side like I used to but I still look after the people I love” I smiled and wrapped my arm around his shoulder. He leaned his head into my shoulder for a few minutes but then stood up. “C’mon man lets go get something to eat” I smiled and followed him into the kitchen.


I was in the kitchen eating a pop tart when I heard footsteps. Well Dahvie was finally up. I flaunted halfway into the hallway and did not like what I saw. Dahvie was punching Jayy (in a joking way) and they were both laughing. Ok I know that i have to be patient but I still cant wait until Dahvie leaves to go somewhere. Dahvie and Jayy were both still in just their boxers. I have to say I was enjoying the site of Dahvie in his boxers but Jayy…GROSS! I sighed and sat back down. Dahvie and the faggot both went and grabbed chocolate chip pop-tarts and sat down. “Morning Haley” Dahvie said smiling. I grinned back and said good morning. Jayy wasn’t talking at all and I was glad. He had the most annoying voice. Dahvie went into his bedroom to get changed. I wanted so badly to slap Jayy but I couldn’t risk Dahvie seeing me do it. Dahvie came out of his room and said “I’m going to go visit Andrew and Sally. Bye guys” I hugged him goodbye and he walked out the door. I just have to wait until his car is out of site. A few minutes after Dahvie left Jayy went out onto the patio. He is making this too easy. He stood just where he needed to. I walked outside and said “well, the faggot got my boyfriend in his bed last night. Bet you’re happy” he sighed and said “it was Dahv’s idea not mine” grrr I HATE it when he calls Dahvie by that nick name. I got right up in his face and yelled “don’t call him that!” Jayy glared and asked “why shouldn’t I?” I stepped even closer to him. It was obviously making him uncomfortable. “Because I can’t fucking stand you talking to him or being near him at all” the bitch rolled his eyes at me and said “he’s my best friend. I’m not going to stop hanging out with him just because you want me to” I slapped Jayy across the face. He was shocked and had a few tears stream down his face. “Look fag” I said “I’ll give you one more chance to leave and never come back. Or else” he laughed at me “or else what?” I glared. “Trust me. You don’t wanna know.” he sighed “whatever but I’m not going anywhere” I had warned him. I took a final step closer and pushed him as hard as I could. I did karate for six years so I’m pretty strong. He flipped over the edge of 

the patio but grabbed onto the railing. I quickly pried his hands off and watched him fall. He wasn’t even screaming. I always knew the bitch was suicidal but not that badly. I finally heard someone scream….but it wasn’t Jayy. It was Dahvie. “NOOOO” he screamed and ran out to Jayy as soon as he hit the ground. Uh oh. Well as long as Dahvie didn’t see me push him. Dahvie wrapped Jayy in his arms as he dialed on his phone. He told the person on the other line the address and situation. He then put his phone on the ground and started….sobbing? He looked up at me with tears and makeup running down his face. He looked at me in a way I had never seen before. Pure hatred.


I saw her yelling at Jayy and I saw her slap him too. I just couldn’t make myself believe it. Why would she treat him like this? I watched as she yelled “trust me you don’t wanna know” he laughed and said “whatever, I’m not going anywhere” I wasn’t expecting her to do what she did. I wasn’t prepared for her to push him. But she did. I saw him fall over the edge. I wanted to run to try and help but I couldn’t move my feet. It was like I was paralyzed. He grabbed onto the railing and I felt some relief until the bitch grabbed his fingers and pulled them up. He slid slowly off and fell without screaming. As he fell it felt as if my entire world came crashing down. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t feel. I couldn’t even breathe. That is Until right before he hit the ground I ran out screaming “NOOO” at the top of my lungs. He hit the ground seconds before my knees hit the ground beside him. I wrapped him in my arms and held him to me. He was still breathing but he was unconscious. I quickly got my phone out of my pocket and dialed 911. I told them in a barely controlled voice what had happened. They tried to keep me calm and said they were on their way. I sat my phone down beside me and I-I just lost it. The sobs came out like a hurricane. Impossible to stop and hard to predict. I looked up at Haley and for the first time ever felt like killing someone. Killing her! I knew I must look like a mad man with my makeup going everywhere. But I didn’t care. She looked down at me and then walked back into MY house. Forget that bitch. I’ll deal with her later. I held Jayy even closer to me and tried to stifle my sobs but they just kept coming. A tear slid slowly down my cheek and onto Jayy’s face. He groaned quietly and opened his eyes “Dah- Dahvie” he whispered. I felt some relief to hear his voice but quickly shushed him. He didn’t need to talk. We didn’t know what kind of condition he was in. he grinned slightly and laid down more comfortably onto me. His heart was beating unevenly. Why couldn’t it have been me in his place? I would give my LIFE just for Jayy to get through this. Please god. Take me instead!

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