Chapter 14

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You will always be my summerlove

"It's complicated Harry." I whispered the words to Harry.

After the million dollar question he had asked me I didn't really know how to respond. I had studied him for a long time, coming to the conclusion that he looked scared. He looked like I felt, extremely afraid for the upcoming answer.

Now Harrys gaze fell and he was looking at the floor. I put my hand on the side of his face and made him look at me. His face tilted upwards but his eyes closed. "Harry..." With a small whisper I spoke his name. I felt him shudder as if a cold breeze just went by and then he sighed.

"I'm scared, Ross." His eyes were still closed as he whispered a response. In any other situation I would've smiled at Harry, he wasn't the first person to admit he was scared. But something deep in my heart told me he was serious. The great Harry Styles was scared of me? It just seems impossible.

"Harry... Look at me." I watched him shake his head. I caressed him gently on his cheek and he sighed again. He lifted his hand and grabbed mine, only to turn his head slightly and kiss my palm. It sent shivers through my entire body and I stifled a small moan. He squeezed my hand and then looked up at me with his beautiful green eyes. They were edged with a slight sight of pain.

"I know I talk a lot but I really am scared right now." I shook my head and sighed.

"I don't understand why though..." There was a short silence.

"Because you have Liam..." His head was leaned forward so I couldn't see his face. I sighed and put my forehead on his head.

"But I don't know Liam..." Harrys head snapped up to look at me and then he leaned his forehead against mine. "I was so in love with you Harry." My voice had gotten so low that I wasn't sure if he had heard me or not.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I let out a small laugh and then sighed at the same time.

"For the same reason you didn't tell me, I didn't think I was good enough for you." My eyes were closed and we were talking to each other in hushed voices.

"How stupid aren't we?" He laughed a little and clasped my hands.

"Depends on who you compare us to." I smiled and took a deep breath. "Harry, I'm not sure how I..." He cut me off before I could continue.

"If you are going to burst my little bubble than can you wait awhile? I want to remember your smell..." I laughed a little louder this time and he leaned back to look at me. I opened my eyes and then my smile failed a little.

"Harry I was going to say 'I'm not sure how I should inform you about the fact that I never stopped being in love with you.' But if your bubble is broken I am reall-.." I couldn't end the sentence because a pair of lips crashed onto mine. I gasped at first and then slowly relaxed into the kiss. I felt a moan deep in my throat. The kiss was long and soft, making me feel all warm and tingly inside. After what only felt like seconds someone cleared their throat making me and Harry jump apart. Harry turned around and I leaned to the side to see Niall standing in the doorway.

"Harry we need to have a band meeting in the living room, Simon has something to tell us." Niall smiled at me and then turned to leave. Harry turned to me and grabbed my hand, kissing the back of it.

"I'll be right back, okay?" I nodded and sighed as he walked away. This was really wrong, and I knew it. I was carrying Liams child but I wanted to be in a relationship with Harry. I shouldn't have kissed him, but I really wanted to. Crap. I decided to sneak out in the hallway to hear what the boys were talking about. At first all I could hear was a low voice on a computer, probably Simon talking to the boys on Skype or something. When I got closer, but not close enough for them to see me, I heard him say bye to the boys.

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