Chapter 7

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Sam's P.O.V.


Mary ran off before school but no one has told me why, i hope she comes back; Liam looks so depressed. I think it's something to do with him why Mary has ran off, i wonder what he has done.

"Hey, what you thinking about?" Nall asked.

"Just wondering where Mary is and i want to know what is up with her."

"She'll be ok, oh wait. Here she comes now."

She looked like she had been crying, i ran up to her and gave her a hug; she's always liked a hug off me.

Niall's P.O.V.


Mary looked so devastated, i've never seen her cry so much. She still hadn't told me and Sam what had happened while we were walking to school this morning, something always happens when me and Sam arn't around. Sam keeps trying to get it out of her but every time the rest of the gang walk over to come see us she runs off, I could see in Sam's face that she was getting angry. "Hey guys, Er. What's up with Mary?" I asked.

"Oh, so she hasnt told you yet." Harry said.


"Well Er we were sitting in the music room and Liam was arguing with Chantelle, then everything went quiet. When we all looked at Liam and Chantelle, er; they were kissing. So I started to look for something to chuck at Liam, by the time I had found something an chucked it Mary had walked in. That was why Mary ran off." Harry explained.

Sam jumped up and lunged her self at Liam, it took all of us to get Sam off of Liam; I didn't realise how strong she was.

Liam's P.O.V.


"Sam, you don't understand. She kissed me, I tried to get her off me but she had a tight hold on my face."

"I don't believe you, if Mary does anything stupid to her self I will hunt you down and murder you. Then i'll hide your body some where were no one will find it, and if there is any witnesses i'll have to kill them too."

I started to feel my self sweat, 'I need to find Mary now', I thought to my self. I started to walk away when Sam screamed at me.

"Oy, cheater. Where the hell do you think your going? I'm not finished with you." I knew what was going to happen next, she was going get passed every one and beat me to death. I had to run before it did happen.

Kathryn's P.O.V.


'Wow Sam is mad, i've never seen her this mad before. She alway's has little sissy fitts but nothing bigger', I thought to my self. Niall had to take her some where away from every one so she could cool off. It was sorta funny because Liam looked like he had just shit him self.

"Oh my god, that was awkward." Ataya said.

"Yeah but awesome at the same time." Louis replied. We just stared at him. "I hope Mary's ok though." I said.

Mary's P.O.V.


I couldn't deal with school at the moment so I decided to skip the rest of the classes for today, I  just sat on the grass watching every one have fun when I saw it. The slapper that had put me in this state, I felt something in side of me which made my legs move. I stood up and marched my way over to chantelle and before i knew it she was on the floor, clumps of hair in my hand; blood from her face on my knuckles. She lay there staring up at me with tears running down her face, I looked around me and every one was cheering and clapping. I noticed Liam coming towards me and instead of running away from him I ran to him and broke down crying on his shoulder.

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