Chapter 6

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Sam’s P.O.V

I sat in the sixth form common room with Niall, my hand in his, the others had gone into town to get there lunch they would be back for next lesson…maybe. Chantelle the sixth form bitch walked through the door with her friend Ruby, the Chantelle wannabe, I used to talk to Ruby but when Chantelle moved here Ruby went off with her and she’s been up Chantelle's arse since, she done anything Chantelle asked. How could one person change someone that much? Since the day Chantelle walked through the school gates I knew she was going to be trouble, I can tell a lot about people's personality just by the way they dress, she was a slut. It was like being in mean girls but with only two members of ‘the plastics’. Chantelle being Regina and Ruby being Gretchen or Karen.

“Oh my god, guess what happened the other night!” Chantelle said so everyone heard.

“What?” Ruby asked.

“Well…y’know that fitty, Liam?”


“I kissed him.”

“Oh my god really, wait doesn’t he have a girlfriend?”

“Yea, Mary, Oh my god shes such a slut, he caught her cheating on him, with his cousin.”

“No way.”


“Whata slut.”

Mary a slut, ha she’s one to talk, she sleeps with anything that moves, she’s been trouble since the day she showed up at this school, always trying to cause shit between everyone, she was the real life Regina George.

“Anyway yeah I think we’re a thing now…me and Liam.”


“I think we’re a thing.”

“No way!” I shouted at her. “Liam wouldn’t do that.”

“That’s what you think.”

I walked towards Chantelle. “You really think Liam would do that? You’re just jealous because Mary has Liam and you don’t, you cant stand seeing people happy, ever since you moved here and you noticed Liam and Mary you’ve wanted to break them up.”

“Not my fault he was all over me the other night.”

“Whatever, he wouldn’t do that, he’s not that kinda guy. And as for calling Mary a slut, you are really one to talk you sleep with anything that moves.”

“Whata bitch!”

“You cant talk,” I laughed. “You are basically calling everyone what you are.”

“I don’t sleep with everything that moves.”

“It’s a figure of speech you tit.”

“You are such a bitch!”

“Don’t talk about Sam like that,” Niall warned.

“Oh what ya gonna do? You cant exactly hit me.”

“No that’d be animal abuse.”

Ruby laughed at that comment.

“Ruby!” Chantelle said shocked.

“I’ll leave,” she said walking out the door.

Although the rest of the year looked like they were working or talking I knew they were really listening to mine and Chantelle's argument.

“Looks like Ruby agree’s that you’re an animal…dog!” I said to Chantelle.

Before I knew it there was a sharp pain across my cheek, she’d slapped me. ‘Bitch.’ I went to take a swipe at her but Niall caught my arm.

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