Chapter 5

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The only thing that wakes me is the sound of sizzling from the kitchen. It's twenty minutes past when I should've woken, but I don't have the heart to get out of bed. "Why do I smell food?" I murmur, burrowing further under the covers.

"Oi, baka, get out of bed." Aomine says kicking the edge of my futon gently. "You'll be late." 

"I don't wanna." I reply, cocooning myself into a ball of warmth. "I wanna stay home." 

"If you do that you won't get to go to Kuroko's game today." I stop burrowing. 

"Why's that?" I ask, narrowing my eyes. 

"Satsuki has some information on a practice match and in order to get it both of us have to show up to practice." I groan loudly. 

"Can't we skip school and go straight to practice?" My blanket is ripped away roughly. 

"You'll miss your lessons, idiot. C'mon." With that, I'm somehow persuaded to pay attention in school by the boy who sleeps through every one of his classes. He's so lucky we're in the same class! I shoulder my way through the halls, Aomine walking just a couple steps behind me. While everyone will notice him, it seems I'm somehow invisible. The struggle is real, guys. I get crushed twice. 

"Hai-chan, you were late to school today!" Momoi says with a pout, bouncing her way over to me. "I didn't get a chance to see you at all!" I offer her a sheepish smile before dodging an overly excited hug. 

"Ah, my bad." I say, rubbing the back of my head. "I accidentally overslept and Ao-" Aomine gives me a reprimanding glare. "Daiki had to wake me up." Momoi gives the two of us an interested and suddenly illuminated look as she smirks. 

"I see." She says. "Well then you have to call me Satsuki, too!" I give Momoi a strange look. 

"Momoi, I-"



"Satsuki! Call me Satsuki!" Silence engulfs the gym as the stare down between the pinkette and me is monitored. 

"F-Fine." I say, looking away. "If that's really what you want." Momoi throws her arms around me in a hug and, with a rather menacing stare, presses closer. "You're a bit close..." 

"I'll get off as soon as you say my name." Momoi knows that I dislike physical touch. I try to worm my way free several times only to fail each time. 

"Aomine, help me!" I plead. The bluenette gives me an unimpressed expression before leaving to take some of Sakurai's bento. "OI! Don't you choose food over me! Help me out here, Aomine!" 

"He's mad you're not calling him Daiki." Momoi says. 

"Please get off." I say, squirming in discomfort. 

"Get off who?" 

"Get off me." 

"Who're you talking to?" 


"Who is you?" 

"The only person in this gym with pink hair!" I exclaim, stomping my foot furiously. 

"What's my name, then?" I sweatdrop as she presses closer. 

"Satsuki." I say. 

"What was that?" The pinkette presses even closer, her face squished against mine. "I don't think we can all hear you." 

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