Chapter 27

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Sei's parents are not what I imagined them to be. I mean as people, ya know? I though they'd be far more intimidating than Sei himself, so I'm left wondering how he got to be the way he is. "We have the paperwork done, so all you need to do is sign." Mr. Akashi says, pushing formal looking paper toward me. "We've filed a suit with your government for a new birth certificate." I nod.

"Do I need to do anything else?" I ask, signing after carefully reading the paper over. Sei shakes his head as his parents confirm that things are almost all completely settled.

My hands feel clumsy as soon as I pull them back. "I don't know how to thank you." I say after another minute. "I don't know if there are any words I can use that will show you how grateful I am. Even if I were to say it in English, there are no words strong enough." I stand straight and bow as low as I can. "Thank you, very, very much. I'm incredibly grateful."

All is silent before I upright myself. The look on the Akashis' faces is incredible, really. It's as if they've never seen someone bow so low, although I'm sure they probably have. "Hai..." Mrs. Akashi looks completely stunned.

Bowing as low as I did is, admittedly, rare. Westerners aren't exactly famed for their bowing, either. I suppose it doesn't help that I have a lot of pride as a person, and so my bows are sparsely given.

"You better call me Mom now, got it?" The tall redheaded woman says as she smothers me in a hug so tight I find it hard to breathe. My body stiffens with shock, and I don't know what to do with myself.

"Y-Yes." I say with surprise. After a few moments, I raise my arms to hug her back loosely. My arms eventually hold her tighter. I wonder if she knows that all my emotions are playing across my face, even though her shoulders hide them from view.

When I'm allowed to pull away, my face is much more calm and collected. I'm about to address both Sei and his father when my phone bursts to life. It surprises me so much that I nearly jump straight out of my skin. At a nod from Sei, I open it and answer. "Hello?"

"Alex." It's been a while since this sort of anger has been directed toward me. "You ignored our earlier calls?" My face drains of blood.

"Who is this?" My pulse is racing. My knees are starting to feel like Jell-O.

"I thought I told you that your sister would be staying with you." My mother, huh? "Give me your address." I try to calm my heart.

"I don't want to. I'm not going to tell you." Seijuurou looks like he's finally figured things out. "I don't want to talk to you anymore."

"Don't hang up on me!" Her voice shrieks so loudly that I'm sure even Sei's parents could hear it. "I know you're living with a boy! I know you're probably sleeping with him. You are, aren't you? I didn't raise you to be like this! You damn-" Sei plucks the phone from my hand.

"I don't think you have permission to speak to Alex that way." Seijuurou's voice sends shivers down my spine as I watch him, half concerned, half afraid. "After all, she's no longer your daughter."

I can hear her voice screaming something, half of them swears, before Sei closes the phone. "You need a new number."

"I'm sorry." I say somewhat lamely. "I didn't realize she had my number. I don't remember giving it to her."

"She's very eloquent, isn't she?" I do my best not to flinch at the statement. "Why are you so different from her?" I pause a moment.

"My dad's a very gentle person. I think I'm more like him. He never really talked much." I frown. "But staying with Tetsuya and his family probably shaped how I am." I grin. "His parents are nice, like yours."

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