Chapter 14

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Daiki taps his pencil impatiently against the open textbook, sometimes pausing to gnaw absentmindedly on the much-abused eraser. His blue eyes are scanning the page with a rather empty, sleepy gaze. He nods slightly, eyes closing, before I snap his book shut before him as noisily and obnoxiously as possible. The blue-haired teen wakes with a start, eyes startled and still slightly cloudy. "Daiki, go to bed if you're going to sleep." I say flatly as he looks up. "It's no use studying if you can't stay awake for longer than ten minutes at a time."

"Gonna fail though." He groans, stretching lethargically. "Gotta stay in school." I sigh.

"Then at least try to stay awake! Drink some coffee or something!" I reply heatedly, going back to my math homework. "Anyway, move onto something else for a while. You can get back to that when you finish something else." Daiki yawns loudly, licking his lips afterward and getting up slowly.

"I'm gonna order dinner." He says as he scratches his head. "Want yakisoba?"

"Yes, please." I reply, working my way through a way too intense problem. "Order some meat or veggie dish. I'll share it with you."

"Sure." Daiki says, flipping open his cell and dialing the number. He places the order as I finish the exceptionally frustrating worksheet. I try not to yawn.

"When are the other idiots coming over?" Daiki asks, sitting back down to attempt his homework once more.

"Sometime this week." I reply absently. "Didn't really specify when. Probably tomorrow or Thursday."

"Hm." Daiki replies, tapping his pencil once more. We sit in silence a while longer as I finish my assignments and leave to get a drink from the kitchen. "Alex, can I use your notes?"

"Go ahead. Your copies are probably right behind mine. If you don't see them just copy it yourself." I answer, sipping my water. The doorbell rings, and my stomach growls in response.

"I got it." Daiki says after a few heartbeats. The sound of paper falling and hasty shuffling amuse me as Daiki probably gratefully puts off doing his homework a while longer. The door opens before the doorbell rings once more. "Oh." is all I hear afterward, cuing me to take a look.

"Daiki?" I call, popping my head out of the kitchen. "Is that the food?"

"I wish." He replies, slamming the door. It opens a few seconds later to reveal the first-string regulars. I sigh in disappointment.

"And here I was hoping for food." I groan unhappily. "At least send a warning before showing up suddenly!" Imayoshi only laughs at my flustered reply.

"What, no parents here?" Wakamatsu asks he enters.

"They live overseas." I reply testily. "Not that it's really any of your business anyway." I sigh once more. "I hope you all ate earlier, because Daiki and I only ordered enough takeout to feed ourselves."

"Ouch." Imayoshi says with amusement. "Not too keen on company, are you?"

"You're the one who showed up unannounced. If you'd told me you guys were coming today, I would've adjusted my plans." I reply with irritation. "It can't be helped anyway."

The doorbell rings once more, and I look to Daiki. "Nope. That's all yours." Daiki says, holding up his hands. I give him an unimpressed look before walking to the door.

"If this is the food, I'm eating your share." I reply, opening the door. There stands a rather unusual sight. "What are you doing here?" I ask with a bewildered look. "And how on earth do you know where I live?"

Here stands the hotheaded Kagami Taiga with his shadow right beside him. "Kagami is failing English." Kuroko says flatly.

"Oi! Don't say it so bluntly!" Kagami practically shrieks in humiliation. I laugh.

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