Chapter 10

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Justin's POV

It's been about a week and a half since that incident at the park and Hailey is still unconscious. She's in the hospital with me right beside her holding her hand. I haven't left her bedside, only when I had to shower and occasionally eat. They say you don't know you love someone until they're hurt, and that couldn't be truer.

They said that when she had the anxiety attack her heart was already working over time, but when Chaz stepped on her arm so hard it broke, her heart just couldn't keep up with all the pain and blood loss and failed. They said she died for 7 minutes 20 seconds. It also turns out she has a heart disease nobody knew she had. They also said it might be months until she becomes conscious. I know it'll be sooner because she's a strong girl, but she's already has had it so hard, how much can a girl take?

The only thing keeping her alive is that she's using the frontal lobe of her brain which has the emotions and personality, and that means she's dreaming. They took an MRI scan and it shows that she's having nightmares. Sometimes dreams, but mostly nightmares. I wonder if she has nightmares every night or if it's just now.

I can't believe I let this happen to her! I'm such an idiot! The worst part is, is that I beat her up that day! I never wanted this to happen. Hell, I never even wanted to bully her. It's all Ashley's fault! (a/n Barbie bitch #1 aka Justin's GF) I was so blinded by her popularity that I didn't think twice when she asked me to bully Hailey.


Ashley: hey wanna be my boyfriend?

I heard she's the most popular kid in the whole school so I didn't hesitate when I answered,

Justin: sure!

Ashley: Then go bully that girl over there.

She said pointing her fake nails that I'm already starting to hate at a girl that I thought her name was Hailey.

Justin: Why?

She's done nothing wrong. I haven't even seen her talk to Ashley.

Ashley: Don't worry about, just do it!

She said in a such a whiny voice I thought my ears would start crying with pain.

*Flashback Over*

Now that I think about it Ashley never did tell me why I always bullied Hailey. I wish I wasn't such an idiot back then. Popularity will mean nothing when I grow up! Hell, it means nothing to me now!

I started to hear rain pattering on the window. I looked at Hailey again to see the hand I was holding grow warmer. Can it be? Is she waking up? I held her hand with both of mine. "C'mon Hailey! Wake up!" I cheered her on. The first thing she said was, "Why am I not dead?"

That was what I least expected to hear from her. Well, at least right now. "What do you mean?" I asked slowly. She immediately popped her eyes open and stared at me with horror in those beautiful blue eyes. Did I just say beautiful? "You killed me." She said steadily as if it was a fact. "I didn't kill you," I said softly trying not to scare her. She was staring at me with such intensity, watching my every move, as if any moment I would turn into a monster. I don't blame her for looking at me like that.

"Yes you did, I was running away from you and I ended up in the ally you broke my ribs at. You said that you would finally get what you wanted, and you freaking stabbed me, I swear!" She said hysterically. She was talking so fast I could barely hear her. I had tears in my eyes. "I promise you, I didn't stab you," I said slowly again. "Then why am I in extraordinary pain?" She asked now confused.

I sucked in a breath and decided to tell her. "I beat you up. After that, I sat on the swing at the park you were going to and thought about what I did. And I'm so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you in the first place. It was Ashley. I was blinded by her popularity and I'm sorry. But when I looked at you, you sprinted to the tree and climbed up the highest branch you could. I tried to climb up to tell you I'm sorry, but before I could do that you told me to move multiple times. I thought it was because you were angry with me, but when I saw your frantic eyes I knew there was more. When I actually did move you climbed down the tree so fast I almost couldn't see it, but when you got to the bottom you fell and clutched you chest. I climbed down as fast as I could seeing this, but when I got to the bottom I didn't know what you needed and when you told me your book bag I spilled out all of your stuff and when you reached for something Chaz stepped on your arm and broke it. I swear I didn't see him! When he did that I tackled him to the ground and started punching him. When I looked over to you your bone was sticking out of your arm and you were losing A LOT of blood, so I picked you up and ran to the hospital. And a week and a half later here we are." I finished tears clouding my eyes making her beautiful face blurry.

"Were you here the whole time?" She asked. I just nodded. "Does the doctor know I'm awake?" I shook my head no. "Can you go tell him or her?" I nodded and started to stand up when she said, "Thank you." I knew that thank you meant more than just me getting the doctor. But somehow, I don't feel I should be thanked. I feel as if I should be hated for what I have done.




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