Him (a justin bieber bully story)

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Hey, I'm Hailey. I get bullied. I'm depressed. I'm suicidal. I'm anorexic. You might think that's every normal teenager these days, but there's more. My dad beats me and verbally abuses me, my mom gets drunk a hits me, my neighbors are my three bullies. Well, I tried to commit suicide 4 times. Each time though my mom or dad would come in and beat the shit out of me. My three main bullies are Ryan Butler (holds me down, sometimes hit me), Chaz Somers (holds me down with pity in his eyes) and worst of all Justin Bieber. I don't know why he hates me so much. All he does he hit me and verbally abuse me with the rest of my school (including teachers). But Justin is the absolute worst. He once broke my ribs in an empty ally.

About me. I'm ugly. I'm fat. I'm a worthless piece of shit. I should die. Some details are my hair is black and wavy. I'm 5'5. I'm 94 pounds. I know, that's so fat. This is about my shitty life.

I wrote this seven years ago when I was 11, depressed, suicidal, and anorexic. This story is full of triggers for those things so please don't continue if it's not healthy for your mental  health. It gets better I promise, DM me if you need to.

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