Chapter 5

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Hailey's POV

I woke up in my bed with someone's arm around me. It smelled like Justin was the one. I looked up a little to see his face peacefully sleeping. I looked down at myself to realize I'm in an extremely oversized shirt, my bra, and panties. Nothing else. And he has no shirt on. Thank god everything else is on. Ohhhh, I'm wearing his shirt.

I remember everything about last night, and I don't like it. How could I have a breakdown in front of him!?!? I looked at my wrist and it was cleaned and bandaged up. He did this for me? I can't trust him! He bullied me for 5 years! Why did he help me yesterday? Is this some sort of trick? "Good morning," Justin said sleepily. Ok, now I'm scared. Why is he being so nice? "G-good m-morning." I stuttered. He looked at me with frustrated eyes. He pulled me a little closer to him. "You don't have to be afraid of me anymore. I'm not gonna hurt you anymore. Ok?" He asked. I just nodded my head not trusting my voice. I was so close to him, and it scared me. I haven't been this close to someone this long since I was six.

Yes, once upon a time my parents were actually good, loving parents. "Talk to me." He said looking me in the eye. "I haven't been this close to someone this long since I was six..." I blurted out. Why am I telling him everything?!? "Do you like it?" He asked his grip loosening a little. I thought about, do I? "I think I do like it," I said. When I said that his grip tightened back. He smiled a goofy smile, and I did something I haven't done in a long time... I smiled back.

I heard my dad's footsteps coming to my room. "Hide in my closet!!" I whisper yelled. He gave me a questioning look, so I pushed him to my closet and closed the door. I dashed back to my bed and pretended to sleep.

"WAKE UP BITCH!" My dad yelled as usual. I sat up immediately, but he still went over to me and slapped me. "Whore." He spat in my face then left. A tear rolled down my cheek but I violently wiped it away. I got off the bed and opened my closet door to be enveloped in a huge bear hug. "You're not a bitch, and you're definitely not a whore." He said softly in my ear. I just stood there in shock. I wasn't used to him saying things like that. "Thanks?" I said more as a question. "Thanks for, um, taking care if me last night," I said pulling away from the hug. "It was the least I can do. I caused all this." He said shame and guilt evident in his voice and eyes. "Not all you," I said trying to cheer him up. "But most of it was me." He said. I didn't have an answer for that, so I went inside my closet to look for my clothes. What is Justin going to wear? Oh yeah, I'm in his shirt.

I walked back out and took off his shirt. "Here," I said tossing it to him which he thankfully caught in mid-air. I went back inside my closet and got a pair of loose skinny jeans, a long sleeved shirt that said 'I'm alone in this world.' And my oversized hoodie is in my room somewhere. I went out and put my clothes on my bed. "I'll be back, I have to shower," I said to Justin who was laying on my bed on his phone. He looked at me and said, "Ok, can I go next?" "Yeah," I replied already half way in the bathroom.

I quickly took a shower and put on some panties and a bra. I then went to put some makeup on the slap mark that is on my face from my dad. I don't really wear makeup except to cover up bruises or whatever that's on my face. I walk out and notice this isn't the shirt or the pants I picked out for myself. Instead, it was a tank top that said 'YOLO!' and a pair of shorts. "Justin what did you do with my clothes?" I asked him. He had that suspicious grin on his face."You should be showing off that beautiful body!" He said defending himself. "Why? So I could show off my bruises, or so my dad could do more damage? No thanks, Justin." I said. He looked like he was deciding whether or not he should let me have my clothes back.

"Fine! They're under your bed." He said finally. I looked under my bed and sure enough, they were there. I got them and put them on quickly before Justin changed his mind. I found my oversized sweatshirt laying in the corner and put it on. "Don't put that on!" Justin said sternly. "And why not?" I asked him. "Because it's bad enough you cover up every inch of your body in your clothes, don't have layers!" He whined. I slipped it on anyway. "It's not like you'll care at school," I muttered to myself, but I guess he heard it. "I'm just trying to be nice! But you keep pushing me away! Is that what you do to people who try to help?!?! Push them away!!" He yelled. He then let out something that sounded like a growl, roar, hiss all at the same time. "I don't know because nobody has tried to help before!" I yelled back. "And it's all because of you!" I stabbed a finger in his direction. If it was possible he got angrier. "My fault! How is it my fault your an ugly bitch!" He yelled louder than I've ever heard him. I knew it was too good to be true. He still hates me. He still thinks everything he's ever said to me was true. "Get out!" I yell so loud I surprise myself. "I didn't mean it-" "-No! I don't give a shit what you say anymore! Leave! Now!" I'm yelling so loud I could feel my ribs push up against my chest. "Bu-" "-shut up and leave," I growl. He puts his head down in shame and walks out my bedroom.

I put on my red converse and sling my book bag over my shoulder. My body still aches in pain from yesterday. I run downstairs praying my dad went to work. I walk out the front door to see Justin on my front porch. I just ignore him and try to walk past him but he grabs my wrist which makes me almost scream in pain. "What do you want?" I hiss in pain. Realizing I'm in pain he lets my wrist go. "Please just listen to me. I didn't mea-" "-I get hurt enough. If I could help it I'm not gonna add more." I said cutting him off. "But I really didn't mean to say that!" He said. "Things that you say you didn't mean to say is just unfiltered thoughts that you think of all the time," I said icily. I don't want friends. I don't want a family. I just want to get through school so I could move somewhere and be alone.

"I was mad! I didn't know what I was saying!" He said flailing his arms around. "Bye Justin," I said and walked away. I started walking to school since I don't have a ride. I like walking to school, it lets me enjoy the outdoors. I hear footsteps behind me, but I ignore them thinking it's Justin, but then I look across the street and Justin is walking into his house and I still hear footsteps behind me. I start to pick up the pace when someone pushed me to the ground. I look up to see Chaz. Chaz? He never hurts me!

"So you stood me up!" He roared. "What?" I asked confused. "We had a date last night! And you didn't bother to show up." He growled pulling my hair. It really hurt since dad pulled it this morning. "Y-you said you w-were going to pick me up," I said. I actually forgot we had a date, but I don't want him to know that. "Well, you didn't give me your address!" He yelled kneeing me in the stomach. I accidentally scream in pain. "Don't make a fuckin sound." He seethed in my ear." I nodded my head. "Answer me directly when I'm talking to you!" He yelled slapping me. I let a tear slip out. "Ok," I said. "Ok, what!" He yelled like a commanding officer in the army. "Ok, I w-won't m-make a fuckin s-sound." I stuttered continuously. He then punched me in the stomach making me almost throw up. "I knew you just an ugly whore. And to think I started to like you. I only felt sorry for you bitch!" He said laughing a cruel bitter laugh. I let a tear slip out. "Stop crying!" He yelled. But more tears just fell out. "I. told. you. to. stop. crying." He said either punching or kicking me in the stomach between each word. I felt that metal taste in the back of my throat, so I know I'm going to throw up blood soon. He punched me in the stomach one more time and then I felt him either let go of me or get pushed off, but I don't care cause now I'm throwing up blood. I felt dizzy, so dizzy I fell to the ground. And it was getting harder to stay conscience.

"Stay with me Hailey! Stay with me!" I heard Justin yell. I couldn't open my eyes anymore. I don't think I can breathe much more. It hurts too much. "Hailey!" I heard him yell again. I just couldn't seem to talk. I stopped breathing for a second and felt instantly relieved of the pain in my lungs. "BREATHE HAILEY!" He yelled louder than before. Even though I don't want to I start breathing again I somehow do. And of course when I start breathing the pain in my lungs came back. "Please stay with me." I heard Justin say before I blacked out.


Authors note

Thx for reading :)


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