Chapter 8

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Hailey's POV

Once I reached school by foot I realized I missed the first period, so I just went to the second period, music. It was my favorite class as I've told you before, so I was actually glad I was able to go there as a first-period class.

When I went inside the classroom everyone looked at me with their eyes widened. I touched my face and noticed most areas there was a bruise forming. "What happened Hailey?" Mr. N asked. He looked as shocked as the students. "Nothing." I quietly whispered putting my head down and quickly walked to my seat. "Well since Hailey was gone for almost a week, let's have her sing a song she wrote herself." Mr. N said looking at his paperwork on his desk, occasionally looking up while talking.

Just when he said that Justin came bursting through the door. "And why are you late Mr. Bieber?" Mr. N said raising his eyebrows. "I got lost on the way here, sir," Justin said. It was pretty obvious it was a lie, but Mr. N let it slide.

When Justin came to the back row where I was, I started to worry. Will he hurt me in school? No, too many witnesses. Well, it's not like anyone cares about me. It's like he said this morning, nobody loves me. I thought he would sit in the middle of the row as he did yesterday, but instead, he sat next to me. "Hey." He said casually. I seriously think he is bipolar. I mean he was beating me up just this morning, now he's talking to me as if we're friends?!?!

"As I was saying, Hailey get up here." Mr. N said again. When I stood up and walked over I felt everyone's eyes on me, so I just looked down instead. "Do you have a song prepared?" Mr. N asked. "No," I said honestly. That's when everyone started laughing. "Well, what are you going to do then?" He asked. "I'm gonna make it up on the spot." When I said that the class laughed even harder. Why are they laughing at that? Do they think I'm not capable of doing such a thing?

"Well go on then." Mr. N waved me off. I sat at the piano and started,

"I'm not a stranger

No, I am yours

With crippled anger

And tears that still drip sore

A fragile frame aged

With misery

And when our eyes meet

I know you see

I do not want to be afraid

I do not want to die inside just to breathe in

I'm tired of feeling so numb

Relief exists I find it when

I am cut

I may seem crazy

Or painfully shy

And these scars wouldn't be so hidden

If you would just look me in the eye

I feel alone here and cold here

Though I don't want to die

But the only anesthetic that makes me feel anything kills inside

I do not want to be afraid

I do not want to die inside just to breathe in

I'm tired of feeling so numb

Relief exists I find it when

I am cut


I am not alone

I am not alone

I'm not a stranger

No, I am yours

With crippled anger

And tears that still drip sore

But I do not want to be afraid

I do not want to die inside just to breathe in

I'm tired of feeling so numb

Relief exists I found it when

I was cut"

When I finished tears brimmed my eyes. I couldn't look up from the piano until I sucked my tears back in. When I did look up everyone was staring at me in shock. I didn't do anything I just walked back to my seat, head down as always.

"Give a round of applause for Hailey!" Mr. N said. With that everyone applauded and some even wolf whistled. Once everyone died down I heard something that made my bad day, worse. "Today you will be working with partners, and those partners will be with you the rest of the semester. I will also assign you the partners you will be given." Mr. N said pacing the room. Everyone groaned at the last part except me. Nobody picks me for a partner, so I usually work alone, but I guess today just keeps getting worse. I think the only thing I think could get worse is if Justin is my partner.

"Listen carefully for your partner, then I will explain your task." Mr. N directed. "Jessica with Julie. Max with Andrea...Sean with Mason....Hailey with Justin...." WHAT?!?! I swear god hates me today. I looked at Justin to see him smirking. Well, this is going to be fun! Note the sarcasm. "Your task is to get to know each other, and then write a song for that person, then present it to the class. If your partner thinks that the song you write suits them, you get an A, if not you will fail this class." He said as he took a bite out of a random apple that I just notice was in his hand.


"Quite simple." Mr. N said smiling. Quite simple my ass. I know he's my favorite teacher, but is he fuckin kidding me?!?! "Now meet with your partners and get started." Mr. N said clapping his hands in two sharp claps. I felt Justin's eyes on me, but I was too angry to care. Why him out of the 30 kids in this class?!?! I heard him sigh beside me, "I don't have all day you know." He said obviously annoyed. I am now convinced he is bipolar. "What's your favorite color?" He asked randomly. That won't help with a song! "Purple," I answered nonetheless. "Me too!" He yelled sounding excited. Bipolar jackass. "Favorite food?" He asked. "None," I said hating even the word food. "Mine is spaghetti." He answered. I didn't fucking ask! I wanted to yell at him, but I know I'll get in trouble if I do that.

"Favor-" "-that won't help with a song so if you're going to ask questions ask ones that will get this project over with." I cut him off. He scoffed, "Fine then you ask the questions."He thinks he's better than me? Yeah right. I just need to know one bad thing that happened in his life and I could write a whole song. "I am better than you, and I'd like to see you try." He said smugly. Did I say that out loud? oops!

"Worst memory as a child," I stated, waiting for him to answer. "My parents getting divorced." He said sounding angry that I asked that question. "Worst memory as a teenager," I said once again. "Seeing you half dead because of me." He said and I immediately saw his eyes soften. Seriously, I don't know how many times I'm gonna say this, but this kid is bipolar.

"Mommy and daddy are fighting again, I feel like a wreck. They keep on saying I'm not the monster here, but I saw her half dead." I sang proving to him that's all you need to make at least part of a song. He just sat there with his mouth hanging open, surprise the star feature of his face. Then his eyes looked angry, "You have no right to say that!" He yelled. "Woah, woah, I-I didn't mean anything. I-It was just the information you told me into a song." I said backing up in my chair. I wasn't sure if he would hit me or not. "Well, you still have no right to talk or sing about me or my family!" He yelled once more. "W-well it's t-the pr-project." I stuttered. "Well then think of something else to write about." He said as he stormed out if the room.

What the fuck just happened?

Authors Note

WOOO!!! ANOTHER CHAPTER!!!! thank you so much for reading! I know I'm a little slow on the story when I say you have to do this, this, and this, but I have a solution! I'll make you do more! Sorry if that is not good for you, BUT I'll add qotd. :) sooooo....

QOTD: favorite food?

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