Chapter 9

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Hey, guys, this is just a short authors note. I did not write any of the songs that are double spaced. The songs are call 'When she cries by Britt Nicole' Hailey's first music class in the book. and 'cut by plum' Hailey's second music class in the book. Hope u guys like the chapter below :)


Hailey's POV

Hellhole was finally over, and I figured I was already fucked if I went home, might as well go to the park and prepare myself for the massive punishment ahead.

As I was walking out of the school a certain bipolar jackass came up to me. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked roughly. I didn't answer him I just kept walking. "Answer me bitch!" He started yelling. I just kept walking to the park. "You're gonna fuckin regret it if you don't answer me slut." He seethed. Right now, I don't give a monkey's flying shit. "What did you say?" He asked, his voice furious. I gotta stop saying things out loud.

"Nothing," I answered. "So now the fat worthless piece of shit talks." He said ruefully. "Mmm-hmmm." I hummed. I'm scared right now, but I just needed to focus on one thing, going to the park. "You sound way too happy right now." He said cracking his knuckles. Maybe yesterday it would've made me shiver, but right now I'm just numb. "I'm not happy," I said expressionlessly. "Well..." He trailed off. "I'm not even content. I'm numb. Just fuckin numb." I said as I chuckled darkly. "And you know the worst part? I believe everything you say about me. Every insult, everything you say, becomes a part of me. I'm fat. I'm ugly. I'm worthless. I'm a piece of shit. Nobody loves me. The list could go on forever." I continued.

He didn't say a word

"Well, at least you know what's true." He said finally. "Yep." I agreed. I was only a corner away from the park where I could run, I don't care him much it hurts my ankle, I'm gonna run. "Where the fuck are you taking me anyway?" He demanded. "I'm not taking you anywhere, but I'M going to the park," I said trying not to be scared. "Don't be sarcastic with me bitch!" He yelled. I just flipped him off still walking to the park.

I felt a blinding pain in my back and fell to the ground. "That. Is. What. You. Get. For. Disobeying. Me." He said kicking me somewhere with each word. I was curled up in a ball crying. I guess that's what I get. "Your just a waste of space in this world." He spat at me. "Look how fat you are, you shouldn't even be alive. I was wrong, your parents are doing something right by hurting you!" He continued. "You're probably just cutting to be an attention whore." He's not even hitting me anymore. They say, 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.' Well, that's the biggest lie I have ever heard. I'd rather have broken bones then hear all the things I hear every day.

I realized he stopped yelling and is just looking at me. He's looking at me with anger in his eyes, but I see more, I see sorrow? Am I just supposed to get used to his mood swings? Cherish his good times, and try and run from his bad side? Well personally I don't know, but I do know I just want to avoid him altogether. "Are you done?" I surprised myself by asking. He kicked me in the stomach so hard it made me get tears in my eyes. "Worthless piece of shit." He mumbled walking away. I guess he's done.

I stood up and got to the park to see Justin sitting on the swings. I should have known it wasn't over. I don't want to go home, cause well, you know, but I don't want to get beat up by Justin again. What the fuck do I do? I decide after a few minutes to just climb up a tree and relax there. But I soon realize the tree that I can actually climb is a few feet away from Justin, I know! I'll just run.

I get ready to start running when he looks over at me. Shit. Without thinking I just sprint over the tree and climb up the tree as fast as humanly possible. When I'm on the highest branch that I could climb on, I look down to see Justin climbing up after me. The good news is, is that he is a horrible climber, so I have a few minutes of non-pain. The bad news is, is that Justin is gaining on me. I can't climb any more branches because they're too thin, it'll never hold my fat ass.

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