34- Undyne

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The door opened revealing a tall bluish green fish-like monster.  She was more human looking then any monster you had come across.

She... she is beautiful.

She has long red hair pulled back into a ponytail, a set of super sharp teeth, and her mannerisms were a little rough.
"What the hell- what are you doing here, Sans?"
"Well... you see I need a favor." When Sans said that, he moved to let you step out but also moved you back at the same time. He was readying himself for battle. When Undyne saw you she froze for a moment.
"HUH?!" Undyne was a bit blow back but then summoned a spear  aiming right at you. You take a couple steps back. She was about to release her spear but she didn't move. You quickly realized that Sans was holding Undyne back.
"Don't. Try. Sh*t. I'm going to let go of you but if you dare touch (Y/N), you're gonna have a BaD TiMe. Okay?"
"What the hell Sans?! Why do you care?! She is a f*ckin human no less! She is probably the one killing all the monsters!"
"Listen you little sh*t-"
"Sans!" You cut Sans off. "I'm sorry Mrs. Undyne, we need your help. I would like to speak to King Asgore."
"HA! A human punk like you? He'll kill you in 5 seconds! No matter how high your LOVE is!"
"N-no, you misunderstand I'm not the human-"
"Let me prove it to you."
"Whatever, you murderer. You and that f*ckin betrayer should just leave."
You see Sans starting to get pissed but you put your hand on your his shoulders. He sighed and let Undyne have the will over her body again, feeling weak she fell to the floor.
"Sans..." Sans shrugs and looks away. You walk up to Undyne and offered her a hand. She slapped it away.
"You b*tch! What the f*ck I say?!" Sans summoned a gaster blaster fully charged and ready to blow.
"Stop, Sans... I guess there is no convincing her, let's just head back to Dr. Alphys lab." Sans glared at Undyne and let his gaster blaster disappear.
"WAIT! Did you say Alphys?"
"Why the f*ck you care?"
"Sans, please..." You look at Sans and place your hand in his. "Remember, kindness." Sans kinda gives you a 'really?' look but calms down anyway.
"W-wait, are you two t-together, like a c-couple?" You and Sans looked at each other and laugh.

I guess that question will be coming up a lot.

"Yeah, we are." You said with a smile.
"Wow... that's pretty cool, punk!"
"Well, I'm sorry about wasting your time, Mrs. Un-"
"Stop it! Just call me Undyne. I can't stand your politeness, it's f*ckin annoying!"
"Oh, sorry-"
"And stop f*ckin apologizing! Own yourself!"
"Oh sor- Um right. Well we need to hurry, Dr. Alphys and the rest are waiting."
You nod politely then you and Sans head back to 'R'.

Undyne POV

Sh*t! She... likes Sans? Then I guess there is no way she hurt all those monsters.
And from the sound of it Alphys is on her side too...

"Hey punk! Wait!"

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