29- I Just Know It

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Dr. Alphys put a piece of rope around one of your arms then the chair you were sitting in. "Why are you strapping her in the chair?" Sans asked, but you could hear the harshness in his voice. He was the only one who stay down in the true lab.

Paps, Flowey, and MK are in the original lab upstairs... I didn't want them to watch... you know, if worst case scenario. Sans refused to leave, I want to fight him but it's enough him agreeing to it in the first place.

"The straps will keep her in place if her body spasms." Dr. Alphys stated. Sans face scrunched up at that thought.
"(Y/N) we can still do the first plan-"
"No. That's not an option."
"WHY?! We know it will work!" Sans screamed but it was more like he was yelling at himself.
"Sans... I know what your feeling. You would do everything and anything even give your own life for me. -Sans 'eyes' are filled with tears as he looks at you- I know because that's how I felt when I saw you die in front of me..." You paused looked down taking a deep breath trying to stable your next words. "I c-can't watch you die again... I can't." You begin to cry silently and try to wipe away your tears but it was difficult with one hand.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Sans spoke in a gentle voice as he wiped away your tears and hugged you softly. You smile and hug Sans with your free hand.
You vision begins to go blurry. Sans moves away and smiles at you with a fake smile.

I knew it was fake... but I don't blame him, how do you smile happily? Watch, waiting not truly knowing the outcome, will I survive this? Yes. I know it, I can't leave Sans. I just know it will be okay.

You look at the blurry Sans and then a sharp pain goes though your head. You begin coughing, dry, hard coughs. You hold your hand to your mouth and continue coughing your chest begins to hurt. You feel something come from you mouth you pull your hand away and see blood. Sans noticed before you could pull your hand away.
"Dr. Alphys, pleas-" Your voice was so soft and faded out.

It hurts to speak.

Dr. Alphys seemed to understand and pulled your other hand into the rope and strapped it down as well. Sans moved out of her way for a moment and then placed his hands on the sides of your face. "You have to get better, you look dead tried." You giggle a little but Sans smile was sad, he looked like he was in more pain then you. "P-please be strong, okay?" You smile a warm happy smile at the worried skeleton before you.

It's going to be okay, I can't be without Sans whether in the afterlife or the nextlife. It will be okay, I just know it.

Sans leaned in and kissed you. It wasn't a sexual kiss, it was a kiss that was so gentle and sweet it warmed your very being. "I-i love you, (Y/N)... so you can't leave me." You would have fallin out of your chair if you could. You didn't really understand Sans even if you did know somethings about him, he is always a surprise. You smiled too wide, it hurts a little. Tears of joy fell from your face to the ground.
"I love you too." Your voice was a whisper and unstable but he heard you. Sans looked at you genuine happy, he kiss you again and again excitedly.
Dr. Alphys cleared her throat. "I'm sorry, but if my theory is right we don't have much more time." The smile on Sans face faded, if only reality wasn't such an asshole. He looked back at you, kiss your forehead and backed out of Dr. Alphys way.
"(Y/N) this will hurt." You nod your head. Dr. Alphys hand shook a bit you could tell even she didn't truly want to do this.

I love her kindness, she didn't have to help me. She is even scared of this determination but she set it aside for me...
I love her, I love Paps, Flowey, MK, Grillby even Toriel.
I love Sans.
I will get better, I just know it.

Dr. Alphys glanced at you, you smile. She nods and sticks a needle into your arm, she steps back a bit.
Acid... or maybe more like lava. Your not sure how to describe it but the moment the determination was put into your arm fire filled your body. You scream out silent screams and struggle back and forth. Tears of agony fell from your face. You could literally feel your blood in your body, but the flow was pure pain. Sans tried to run to you but was held back by Dr. Alphys.

I can't! It hurts!! Please please stop!! Fire!!! It's in me!! Please please!! It burning!

You plead for help in your mind.
But nobody came.
You feel yourself fading away. You pass out from the pain. The determination eventually reaches your soul and it fills the cracks. Your soul is completely healed.

Sans POV
Dr. Al slowly let's me go when (Y/N) stops moving. I run to her and put my hands to her cheeks. My skin might of burned off if I had any. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" I scream freakin the f*ck out. I sighed in relief when I realized she was breathing... barely. "She is breathing." Dr. Alphys let go of a breath she didn't know she was holding. She walking over and began going over the basics she deemed (Y/N) stable and removed the rope.

Thank God.

I move (Y/N) to an bed in one of Dr. Alphys rooms.
After many hours of torturous waiting (Y/N) eyes began to open.

I never left her side. Dr. Al left for a bit to tell everyone in the lab about the current situation.

"(Y/N)!- I immediately pull her into a big hug- I'm so glad your okay! I was dead worried." (Y/N) giggles and hugs me back.

Putting that little demon child out my head, everything is finally looking up.

I didn't notice but I was crying. Tears of joy, of course. Neither one of us made an attempt to break each other's embrace.

I finally have her well in my arms again! I love her. I love (Y/N) so much.
I won't let anything happen to her again.

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