2- A Talking Flower

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You slowly opened your eyes. You must have fell unconscious on impact. Your body was in a lot of pain, for a moment you didn't want to move at all. You let out a sigh then you try to get up. You almost fell flat on your face when a blot of pain shot up your back but you caught yourself even though your arms were shaking uncontrollably. You look around and saw only the walls of the mountain. But, then you noticed underneath your feet were yellow flowers. You quickly jumped off them in fear of killing them. You examined them carefully but they seemed okay. You sighed in relief, you looked down at yourself and realize that your shirt has been ripped.

Must have been from the thorns.

You thought. You were to tired to get upset over it. "I got to get out of here..."

Then what?

You dropped your head for a moment then tried to take a closer look around. First you look up...

No, there is no way I can make it back up.

Then you look straight. You saw only darkness. You really didn't like the dark... but you knew you didn't have a choice.

You walked forward only for a minute and then you saw huge purple doors.

What are doors doing in a mountain? ... Well, someone had to put them there.

This thought gave you mixed feelings you wanted to find help but you also wanted to be alone, so you didn't get attached.
You tried to pushed the negative thoughts out of your head. You didn't hate people, if anything you actually liked being with people... however people always seem to leave. You slapped you cheeks pulling yourself back to reality.

You pushed the door open, you glanced around the room and saw only a green patch of grass in the center. "H-hello?" You called out.

And flower popped out underneath the ground. You stepped back for a moment, alarmed.

Was that flower there before?

You then jumped because you heard...


You looked around the room again hoping you missed something. But, you only saw the flower in the middle of the room. You carefully walked toward the flower, the crying getting louder. You then stop right at the flower and spoke again. "Hello?"
Then the flower turned quickly in your direction making you jump and fall on your ass.

"S-sorry are you okay?" The flower asked. You just stare at him not know how to respond. "Um...?" The flower looked a you for a moment hoping you would say something.

You realized you were scaring him with your silence and you quickly said, "I'm fine..." You never met a talking flower before and you were starting to think the fairytale of this mountain might not be so fairytale. You quickly regained your composure. Knowing that you seen crazier things in the world... like yourself.
"Are you okay?" You asked the flower. After reexamining him you noticed he was missing two petals and another one was ripped in half.

"I-im fine, sorry to have scared you, I'm Flowey, Flowey the flower." He spoke cheerfully though his smile was sad.

"Hi Flowey, I'm (Y/N). I hate to be a bother but do you know the way out?"

"Oh, I know but it will be difficult to get there. Plus, I not sure I have the strength..." He said looking down.

"I can help with that!" You were smiling wide like you just said your catchphrase. You slowly moved you hand towards Flowey. Flowey flinched and moved away a bit. "Trust me." You said softly not knowing at the time how heavy that word meant. 'Trust' Flowey moved back toward you and you grabbed his leaf carefully and gently. Your hands lit up in (F/C) and Flowey's petals began to heal. Flowey eyes grew in amazement. You giggled and remove your hand from Flowey after he was fully healed.

"Wow, how you do that?! I mean you a human right?" He said still in shock.

"... I don't know." You smiled kindly. "I always told her it was magic."

"Her?" Flowey ask.

You smiled sadly, "Yeah..." You changed the subject. "So, you think you can help me?"

Flowey smiled, "Yea-" his smiled quickly faded. "(Y/N), I can help you find your way but here it's 'kill or be killed'."

"Wha-" You words were cut off by footsteps.

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