32- Timelines

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You finally made your way back to Hotland, every so often a monster would look at you with disgust. However, Sans would just lowly growl at them while you mouth sorry and bow quickly before continuing on. That always left the monster confused unaware of your kindness, which made you giggle.
"Dr. Alphys! Dr. Alphys! We're back!" You scream as you walk into the lab ahead of Sans and Toriel.
"What is it hu-(Y/N)? You look like you pounded down a ton of spider cider." You giggle remembering hearing about Muffet's bakesale from Toriel.
"Yeah! Umm... did you go over the notes I gave you?"
"Yes, I did. Chara seems to be fused with Frisk correct?"
"Yeah! Sans thought of something that could help us-" You stop midsentence and follow Dr. Alphys gaze to Toriel.
"Y-your Highness?"
"Hello, but I'm not the queen anymore and also I don't believe we have met."
"O-oh no... I-i have talked to King Asgore m-multiple times before and he has shown me a picture of y-you."
"Oh... yes, Asgore. I haven't even-" Toriel stopped talking and looked over at you as you look like you were going to jump out of your skin.

It would be rude to interrupt them.

You were so excited to tell Dr. Alphys of your and Sans discovery.
"Hehe. I think the child has something to tell you." Dr. Alphys turn her attention back to you.
"Yeah! So I forgot to put it in my notes but the only reason Chara can survive is because she lives on Frisk's determination, so-"
"She might be able to transfer to you..."
"YES! Do you think?" You were so excited you grabbed Sans hand tightly.
"It's very possible but the only person who would know would be Chara. Sadly we don't know where she or Frisk is-"
"Ahhh!" Everyone jumps as they hear MK's scream from outside the lab towards the Core. You, Flowey, because he is on your shoulder, and Sans were the first ones out the door with Toriel and Dr. Alphys quick behide. When you ran out the door you saw Paps tickling MK who was screaming out with laughter. "Ahhh- hahahaha- P-Dog- s-stop- hahaha."
You slip to the ground and grab were your heart is.
"Hahahaha, oh thank goodness."
Sans offer his hand which you gladly accepted. "Sans... we need to find Frisk, we can't keep on edge like this all the time."
MK and Paps realized you all standing there, Paps was the first to run up too you, picked you up, and hugged you.
"Paps!" You are a bit surprised but hugged him back.
"Hehe, okay okay. I'm okay- Ow!"
Paps dropped you onto the ground and stared at Toriel. Once again Sans held out his hand for you.
"Looks like you fell for me pretty hard." You giggle and grab Sans hand, standing up, and brushing off your pants.
"SANS, WHO IS THAT? She looks like King Asgore."
"Why don't you goat and ask her?"
"Hehe, Paps this is Toriel she used to be the queen."
"OH! NICE TO MEET YOU QUEEN TORIEL, I'M PAPYRUS." Papyrus grabbed Toriel's hand and shook in up and down quickly. She laughed slightly at the excited skeleton.
"Nice to meet you Papyrus."
"Yo! Don't forget about your main man MK." MK said running up next to Paps and happily smiling at Toriel.
"Wow, such energy from you two." Toriel said in a very motherly voice.
"Now, that pleasantries are out of the way. We need to find Frisk. Maybe, we should head towards the King?" You said hopefully.
Everyone went silent.
Sans finally spoke up, "Um, (Y/N) that might not be the best idea... his thoughts towards humans are...umm, murdery."
"Pfft, hahaha! Oh my God!" Everyone was stupefied by your reaction. After you caught your breath you began talking again. You held Sans hand and let out another small giggle before saying, "I love you. -You pause and look at everyone- I love all of you. I know I may not be the strongest but I somehow changed all your 'murdery' opinions of me, right?"
Everyone let out a small laugh almost kinda like they were agree with you, besides Sans.
"Can I speak to you, alone?" Like on cue Flowey used his vines to grab onto Paps shoulder.
"Hey, y'all why don't you go back to the lab and try to think of a plan Sans and I are right behind you." You suggested, everyone nodded their heads and headed back into the lab leaving you and Sans alone.

"I decided to just be blunt and tell you what I'm really thinking, okay?"
"Sure, Sans you can tell me anything."
"You can't reason with Asgore. You just can't. People have tried before... everything."
"But, Sans I can-"
"No, you can't. Please, (Y/N) I have almost lost you so many times. It's my turn to say no."
"Sans, I would. I really would but I think King Asgore can help. I have a chance to save Chara... I can't just let it go, I have to try. I'm sorry." Sans was not looking at you as you spoke, he was looking at the ground.
"(Y/N)... I love you, I really do." You gently lift Sans head too look at you. His eyes were painfully black.
"Please don't say that like your going to lose me. I have everyone and you by myself how can I fail?"
You smile but Sans looks doubtful.
"Sans... what aren't you telling me?"
"Even if I told you, I don't think you believe me." You let out a small laugh.
"Sans your talking to a girl who has magic healing powers. Who has died to talk to her dead sister. Who met a talking flower and multiple monsters who all have powers as well. Not to even mention the crazy weather in this mountain!" Sans finally had a small smile on his face. "A girl who would have laughed in your face if you told her she would finally escape the hell she was from and fall in love, with a skeleton no less. So please, talk to me." You grab both of Sans hands and look into his 'eyes'.
"... you know, the thing I'm really really afraid of is that I don't know what is going to come next."
"Sans, what are you talking about? Of course you don't know, none of us know the future." Sans let out a dry laugh.
"Yeah, that would make it so easy, huh? No, Frisk umm... your new, that's why I'm so scared... it's-
It's killing me."
"Sans, I love you. But you need to speak to me, you're not making any sense."
"Okay, okay... Frisk's determination can be good or bad every timeline is different."
"Yeah, Frisk has the power to reset the time and change the outcome. She has done it multiple times to help herself get ahead... at first she only want to help... like you but she only kept being beat down again and again, that I think she snapped. So, now she doesn't try to talk or help or anything... she just kills, everyone." You start to feel a bit light headed as you try to process everything.
"W-wait, why hasn't she reset this time? I mean she could go back and undo her mistakes. Or... has she?"
"No, she hasn't and that is putting me a bit on edge too. But it could because your here."
"Yeah, you have never been here before. But, everyone has treated you like they do with Frisk I guess the difference is your kindness is greater then Frisk's determination. And I guess thats what Underfell truly needed."
"B-but Frisk kept trying and trying why didn't everyone see that?" Sans was quiet for awhile and looked away like he was remembering every single timeline from before.
"... because noone else remembers, I have tried to get them to remember but no one did besides me and the kid. At first that was enough, I tried to help the kid but...I-i..."
" 'In this world it's killed or be killed'?" Your words were heavy on Sans.
"Yeah, I wasn't strong enough and the kid died again and again until they just gave up." Sans looked down again, his facial expression told you that he blamed himself.
"Sans..." You were at a lost for words.
"Sans. -Sans looked up at you- You're not alone anymore, I'm here now. We can do this and get the happy ending we deserve. We can put all these timelines behide us and continue forward as long as we do it together."
"Yeah... yeah, you're right. I won't let anything happen to you." Sans seemed to realize his own words and power. He looked more confident. "But, we need to get more help. And as much as I really don't want you to meet her, she'll be extremely helpful talking to King Asgore."

Power to Heal (Underfell!Sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now