3- Your New Home

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"You got to hide, she's coming." Flowey yelled-whispered.
"Who? What about you?"
"Don't worry about me."
You've heard too many people say that too many times.
"Oh~ Flowey I come to play again~" The mystery voice said in a very teasing tone.

No, I'm not losing someone else!

You lean in close to Flowey and gently lift him from the ground. And carry him in your arms "I'm not leaving you..." Before Flowey could say anything the doors that stood in front of you opened and there was the mystery voice.
Behide that voice was a female goat monster in a red and black dress. She has, the best way you would describe it would be yellow satanic eyes. "Oh! A human!" Her voice alone sent chills up your back. And from your guess Flowey didn't like it either, his vines now wrapped around you tightly. You knew this was the women, creature, monster that had hurt Flowey. You tried to keep your composure cause you really weren't in much condition for a fight.
"H-hello." You said as warmly as you could trying not to get on her bad side.
"Goodness, you look all tethered, compared too your flower friend." She said as she saw Flowey's new appearance. "Why, how did yo-" She reached for Flowey as she spoke. You quickly stepped back moving Flowey closer to your body.
"He's fine now, thanks." You said as you softly pet Flowey to calm him as he had began to shake.
The goat monster simply smiled very creepy like, putting you more on edge.
"How about I make you some pie? I'm very confident in the taste! It will fix you right up." Before you could answer she grabbed your arm and started pulling you into the ruins. In fear of your's and Flowey's life you simply let yourself get drag along deeper into the mountain. "I'm Toriel, the guardian of the ruins. What's your name young one?"

More like terrorizer of the ruins.

"Oh, what a wonderful name." Toriel said with what you felt had some sarcasm in it.
After passing by some monsters that looked at you with disgust but wouldn't dare to trying anything in fear of Toriel. You reached a very menacing looking house. "Welcome to your new home."

Did she just said new home?

No, there was no way you were saying here. This is exactly where you just came from a monster looking over you acting nice but was going to hurt you the first chance they got.

No way, I'm not staying here.

Plus, all you could think about was the poor little plant cowarding in fear on your arm.

I will get out of here, not only for me.

You look at Flowey. Toriel pushed you into the house. In all honesty it looked pretty normal, she lead you to a room.
"This is your room, stay in here while I go bake you that pie." She opened the door and before closing it she asked you, "By the way, do you prefer blood or blood?"
You took a deep swallow...
"B-blood." You said hoping not to anger her.
"Great choice!" She said as she closed the door. You glanced around the room, it looked like a child's room. It had toys and a closet of green and yellow sweaters. You walked over to the mirror and despite everything it was still you.
"(Y-y/n) check to see if she is gone." Flowey said in a whispered voice, you could still hear the nervousness there. You nodded your head. You went to the door and grabbed the handle you moved it slowly so not to be hear but it stopped...
"Damn-it, it's locked."
Flowey looked down in disappointed.
"Hey, it's okay. I'll get us out of here I promise!" Flowey looked up smiling, you could tell he had trust in you. His vines tighten a little, "Ow." You hissed out in pain. You looked down and realized you hands were bleeding from your wounds opening up again from when Toriel grabbed and dragged you.
"S-sorry!!" Flowey said in a face of shock and horror. Flowey moved his vines to your upper arm.
"No, it okay it's just an old wound." You walked over and sat on the bed. You move your bag from your shoulders to in front of you and take out a first aid kit. You begin bandaging your hands.
"(Y/n)? Why don't you just heal them?" Flowey ask in a innocent but loving voice.
You smiled softly...

I always wondered too, maybe this was the curse of my magic. I can't use it on myself.

"It doesn't work that way... it never did." Flowey sensed you didn't want to talk about it anymore. You still felt pretty weak.


You didn't have much choice and since you weren't going anywhere anyway, you laid down and fell asleep.

Power to Heal (Underfell!Sans X Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant