Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

By the time I was done cleaning up after our dinner, it was only 7:30. Strumming my fingers, I tried to think of something to do other than write a song. Sadly, I couldn’t come up with anything to do, so grumbling to myself, I sat down in my bedroom with a sheet of paper.

Alright, what do I write about.

What does everyone write about? Well, most if not all songs are about relationships. Sometimes they’re about dancing in a club with a sexy girl, having sex, being in love with the girl/guy and thinking you’ll last forever, and then the heartbreak. And every singer at least has one “my heart is broken” themed song. That’s why I don’t believe in love.

I mean think about it. Consider all the songs stars have written. First comes the party, the confrontation, the night, the promise, and the heartbreak. Every single relationship ends in heartbreak. No matter how hard anyone, and I mean anyone, tries to convince me I will never fall in love. I might like someone, but I’d never love them. So many people abuse the word love. And really, what does it mean? Love means pain if you ask me. And my heart can’t bear to hold anymore pain.

But then again, heartbreak singles are always the best. So why not. Thinking for around an hour, I finally came up with the lyrics. That was easy, but then getting the actual music for my guitar and vocals was a little harder.

You don't know how it feels

When you love someone, love them for real

But they leave you, they're afraid

And they put up a barricade.

You don't know what's it like

When you'll give anything, give up your life

But they leave you, cause love can fade

And they put up a barricade.

You swept me off my feet, I felt complete

You kissed me on the cheek, I couldn't speak

You were my very first love, you stole my heart

But you blocked me, and I fell apart.

You don't know how it was

I still think about him, everything he does

But he left me, he had it made

And he put up a barricade

You swept me off my feet, I felt complete

You kissed me on the cheek, I couldn't speak

You were my very first love, you stole my heart

But you blocked me, and I fell apart.

You swept me off my feet, I felt complete

You kissed me on the cheek, I couldn't speak

You were my very first love, you stole my heart

But you blocked me, and I fell apart.

That’s a gushy song right? Well whatever; glancing at the clock, I noticed it was midnight. I had spent like two hours writing this song. The song was just going to have to be good enough. It was too tiring to think about it any longer. I climbed into my big queen bed and fell into a dreamless sleep.

There was a sharp knock at the door, which jolted me awake. I quickly checked my face in the mirror and cringed. My hair was flying in every single direction, my eyes had bags under them, and I smelled. Bad. Another sharp knock. Jeez, what did this person want? I stood and trudged to the door. It was Gabe. Wait—Gabe?! Oh my God. The song. It had to be done today! And I went to bed before making it perfect. While I was mentally freaking out, Gabe was just staring at me with an amused smile. “I’m assuming you’re not going to the studio looking like that. Correct?” I gulped.

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