Chapter Twenty Six

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It was the day before I left. The CDs were finished, the album cover had been approved, and the costumes were on my tour bus, ready to go. I just had one final task to complete before I left for a few weeks.

I had to visit my mom.

I knew she was still in the coma from that terrible fire, and I knew she wouldn’t hear me or anything, but I needed to see her once before I left. In case something were to happen to her while I was away…

No I can’t think that way. She’s going to be alright while I’m gone.

I left my apartment at 9 in the morning and didn’t get to the hospital until 10. The traffic here was legendary. I strolled into the hospital and handed the security guard at the entrance my ID and he let me through. My mom was on the fifth floor, one of the middle levels. Hopefully she had a good view from her window so when she wakes up, she could see the city.

I reached the room and found a few nurses checking my mother’s vitals. “How is she?” I asked, startling one of the nurses.

“No new signs. She’s just been sleeping.” The first nurse replied.

“Has the doctor visited her?”

“He stops by every day.” The second nurse answered.

“She’s going to be ok, right?” I asked, clenching my hands into fists. Why did you have to ask that, Rae? You know how upset you’ll be if it’s not the answer you want to hear.

“I’m sure she’ll wake up.” The first nurse assured me, patting my shoulder. A beep went off in the second nurse’s pocket and the two quickly rushed out of the room after wishing me well. I stood in the doorway for several minutes, watching the steady rise and fall of my mother’s chest. This was the first time she had ever looked so peaceful. Tears threatened to spill out from my eyes, but I bit them back and walked to her bed and took one of her clammy hands into mine.

“Hey mom.” I whispered. I knew she wouldn’t stir, but I still felt the pang of disappointment when she didn’t stir. “I’m going to be going away for a few weeks. I’ve finally made it, mom. And you and I, when you wake up, we’re going to be living the nice life. Chinese takeout ever night, and dinners in little Italy and all those other places you’ve always wanted to visit. When I get back, I’m gonna get you the medication you need. You’ll see. We won’t have to worry anymore because everything’s gonna be ok.”

In response, my mother’s chest rose and fell to the steady tempo from her heart. I sighed and let go of her hand for a moment to pull up a chair next to her bed. I put her hand back in mine and watched her intently, waiting for her to wake up.

After twenty minutes of waiting for nothing, I stood from my chair, releasing my mother’s hand and placing it gently over her stomach, where her other hand rested. I pushed the chair back to its respective corner and kissed the top of my mother’s head.

“I love you mom. Wake up soon.”

I was just about to walk out of the hospital doors when I was stopped by Gabe. “Why are you here, Rae?” He called out from across the hospital. I stopped walking and turned around, afraid that Gabe had seen me. I remained stiff where I was, unable to move. Gabe, worry written plainly across his face approached me and put a hand on my shoulder, snapping me out of my fear stricken state. “Rae? Can you hear me?”

“I…I volunteer. Uh here.” I answered a little too quickly. Dear Lord I hope he didn’t pick up on that lie. I watched his face and sighed in relief when he nodded once, buying it.

“So you’re a stripper who sings and spends her extra time volunteering in a hospital. What don’t you do, Rae?” Gabe joked following me out of the hospital.

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