Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

“Hey Rae!” Cassandra said, pulling her shirt off her head. The other girls chimed in hellos and continued to get ready. “Your costume is over there,” she jerked her head towards the costume rack. I searched the rack and finally found my costume.

Oh god. I forgot. Today’s Naughty Schoolgirl Night…Well, at least I’ll make a good bit of money tonight…

I put on the skirt first. It was pink and had a plad design. My skirt barley covered my ass. Next, I pulled my shirt over my body. if I thought the skirt was bad, I had another thing coming. The shirt only wrapped around my chest area, and it was extremely low cut.

Once I was dressed, Cassandra ran to me, and gave me a hug.

“How are you feeling? Ohmygod I was so scared!!” She examined my body, but her eyes always traveled back to my scar that ran from my forehead to the bottom of my right eye. “We need to cover that scar of yours, or the boss will kill you.” I nodded, and she ran to my make up bag.

The process began with Cassandra smearing cover up across my face, making sure to cover up my scar. Next, she put on blush, layering my cheeks, nose, and once again, scar. Next she put on eyeliner. Cassandra gave me the color pink eye shadow, so my skirt and eyes would somewhat match. And last came mascara.

By the time she was done, and I could open my eyes, I hardly recognized myself. Let alone anyone around me.

And then it was time.

“Tonight’s a special night for all of y’all! We got some naughty schoolgirls who gotta learn their lesson! Can y’all do that?” the DJ shouted, causing the crowd (mostly males) to cheer and shout profanities.

“On theme nights, the DJ announces us by name, and we go on stage on certain spots.” She handed me a sheet of the blueprints of the stage area. Scanning the sheet,  I found my name and groaned .the boss changed my name to “Good Girl Gone Bad.” Probably cause of what happened the other night. Plus, I was put on the flanking side of Cassandra along with a girl who went by “Temptress of the Night. “so in other words, me, Temptress, and Cassandra were the action of the night, which meant we’d be Dirty Dancing, lap dancing, and letting monsters touch us all night. On the bright side, I know I’ll make enough money to cover mom’s overnight bills.

“We have Temptress of the Night,” as Temptress walked n stage, the crowd cheered and hooted.

“Show ‘em what ya got.” Cassandra said, patting my back. I turned around to see her giving me a sad smile.

At that moment, I realized something about Cassandra.

She hated this job as much as the rest of us did.

“Now introducing our newest member, we have Miss Good Girl Gone Bad!” I didn’t get the crazy applause like Temptress did, but I could hear a couple guys making a big deal about me. In most cases, any girl would be flattered to get someone’s attention as drastically as I do.

But I’m not any girl.

With every step I take, I feel a man’s hungry gaze fall on me. I feel them undress me with their eyes, feel them yearn for my young body. Their want to take away my innocence.

The worst part is the fact that they think I want to or like doing this.

Most girls would do anything to get the number of guys I get. Most girls would do what I do for the guy they love. Most girls would call me lucky.

As I finally stood in front of the disgusting pigs called men, I felt ashamed. I was the lowest of the low.

“And now the girl you’ve been waiting for. I am proud to announce you to the dirtiest girl around. The sexiest woman alive. C.” the music drastically changed to some slow rap song with words no one could understand. The stage went dark and Cassandra silently walked to the center of the stage. Suddenly, a pink light shone on her. The audience spazed out. As she strutted down the stage to my side, the DJ started tonight’s choreography song. A school bell rang, and all the girls shouted “school’s out!” in unison. Then the dance began.

We danced to the stupidest song in the whole world.

“My first kiss,” by 30H03! Or something like that. Featuring Ke$ha.

It wasn’t like one of those dances you’d see in a musical. This was more of a girls shaking the asses in guys faces kind of dance. But what would you expect? This is a strip club. And what do guys come to see here? I can assure you it’s not dances to Rent or watching girls sing songs from Phantom of the Opera. There was nothing really choreographed or anything. We ended in splits, crotch failing, cleavage showing poses. The guys threw money on the ground, and most of the strippers dove for it. I stood motionless. I would not be one of them. I would not sink to that level.

~*~                                                      ~*~                                                      ~*~

It was probably around 1:30 in the morning. The club had gone into a drunken frenzy. I had made around $1,000, and I was planning on calling it a night. Not like the guys would miss me or anything. I was one in like twenty strippers. There was plenty to go around. But a very husky voice stopped me.

“You there. C’mere now.” I turned around was face to face with my drunken boss. “Please me.” He whispered. I gawked at the man. He had to be freaking kidding.

“I’m going home.” I responded, turning away from him. A hand grabbed me, and pressed me against a warm, big body that smelled of liquor.

“Not if I can have my way.” His beer-tainted breath sent chills down my spine. I shoved myself off him, re-gaining my composure.

“I’m not doing anything for you.” I turned again, ready to leave this dump.

“Oh yes you are.” His tone drew me back to him. “If you want to keep your job.” Well, he knew what card to play. That was for sure. My shoulders slumped, and I slowly walked back to his side.

His lips met my neck as his hips grinded against mine. I knew he knew I hated this. And that just made him enjoy it even more. Then he spun me around, putting one hand on my upper thigh, and the other began to slowly lower my shirt.

“I thought I told you to leave her alone,”

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