Chapter Twenty Three

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I had to be at the studio for the Today show at 2:30 in the morning for a 7:00 show. Jeez, if this is what they had to go through on a daily basis, they better be getting paid a lot. I kept yawning when they were putting on my makeup and I could tell the makeup artists were getting very frustrated.

“You need to hold still, Miss Rae.” One of the men said as politely as possible for 2:30 in the morning.

“I’m so sorry. Give me one last second to get all my last movements in.” I stretched and yawned and tried to get all of the nervous energy out of me. I then sat still and let the makeup people finish their job. They seemed to be happier now, so I guess it had worked.

“We’re almost done. Then we’ll take you to the clothing department.” Another makeup artist said. I didn’t say a thing or move a muscle. I hoped they knew I heard them. But I couldn’t move after all.

After five more minutes of applying different powders and liquids onto my face, they let me open my yes and stand up. I didn’t even recognize myself. I mean I knew it was me. I recognized the color and shape of my eyes. But that was it. This Rae was something else. She looked fake, plastic. I didn’t like it. They boys who were applying my makeup were extremely pleased and asked what I thought of it. “It’s….nice.” I managed to say in a straight tone. They were too giddy and proud to notice my distress and they ushered me over to the clothing section.

There was a short stout lady waiting for me. Once I was presented to her, she looked me up and down. I felt uncomfortable under her gaze. After a few minutes, she yanked me by the wrist and dragged me to a section in the back. “I know this doesn’t suit you. So I’m more than willing to help keep you casual.” She winked at me before pulling out a pair of expensive looking True Religion jeans. She thrust them at me and ordered for me to put them on. While I was putting the jeans on, she grabbed me a casual tee. It was a V-neck that was a light blue that really brought out my blonde hair and blue eyes.

“I like this look for you. Promise me that when you go on tour you won’t wear those frilly dresses that most agents make their clients wear.” I nodded and she patted my back before sending me off to the hair department.

The people at the hair station just curled my hair with a wand. It didn’t take too long and before I knew it, it was 6:00 in the morning and we were just about ready to start. Gabe had finally strolled into the studio, carrying coffee and bagels. He handed me a coffee and a bagel and we found a small table where we could set our food down.

“So what do you think?” He asked in between bites of his bagel.

“It’s something else.” I answered.

“You don’t like it, do you?”

“I don’t like all the makeup and the attention to looks. Shouldn’t it be about the music?” I admitted softly.

“It should be like that. It was like that. But times change. And now you need to not only be a good singer, but a size two as well and beautiful on top of that.”

“But why?”

“Because that’s what our culture has turned into.” He wiped his finger across my nose and a thick layer of makeup came off of my face and onto his finger. “And if you ask me, it shouldn’t be about all this either. I think you’re more beautiful without all this.”

I blushed and avoided his intensely set gaze. I couldn’t look at him. Not after he pulled a line like that on me. Thankfully, it was 6:45 and I had to go onto the set with Matt and Anne. I followed the security guards outside to the area where all the musicians played on the Today show. The area where all the fans stood was already crowded. When someone caught sight of me, everyone went into a frenzy. I was shocked at first and had no idea how to respond. But once I became comfortable with the noise, I started to wave and smile at the people around me. The show had started and I had been notified that my segment would begin at 7:15. So I spent fifteen minutes waving and posing for pictures for the fans who were freezing their butts off along with me outside.

Fifteen minutes had passed and Anne and Matt joined me outside. The commercial break was going to end soon and then it would be time to go. I would be singing “Barricade” today and then they would ask me a few questions. The commercial break ended and then Matt introduced me.

“And here to sing one of her new hits, this is Rae singing Barricade.” He nodded at me and I began. The noise from the crowd quickly died down as I played and sang. And before I knew it, I was on the last line.

“But you blocked me, and I fell apart.”

Once everyone knew I was done, they went wild. There was screaming, people were trying to throw themselves over the fence to get to me. The security guys must’ve been pretty busy trying to keep everyone away. Once the commotion died down a little, they started asking me questions.

“So how were you discovered?”  Anne asked.

“I had actually gone to an audition and was not selected. There was a man in the audience from another recording agency who showed some interest in me and had me come back to his studio the next day for an audition. It took a few days of singing, dancing, writing, and meeting new people. But I was finally chosen and I’m so glad, too.”

“So you were discovered by a failed audition. How interesting. Where do you get your inspirations for your songs?” Matt asked. A knot formed in my gut. I knew Gabe was watching intently now, that stupid smirk probably plastered on his face.

“I get my inspiration from situations with people. Anything I experience I can use for a song.” Hopefully that was vague enough.

“Now I think everyone is dying to find this out. Are you in a relationship right now?” Anne asked, edging forward. I laughed uncomfortably, images of the previous night with Gabe filling my thoughts. I quickly shoved those thoughts aside and cleared my throat.

“No, I am not in a relationship with anyone. As of right now, my work comes first and it always will.” Anne and Matt chuckled.

“Well I’m sure all the boys will be happy to hear that!” Anne joked, elbowing my side. I tried to put on a fake grin, hoping it would pass.

“Now we only have a few more seconds left with you, Rae, so we hope you have fun on your tour in a few days. Good luck and we hope you do well!” The camera shifted focus onto Al, the weatherman and Matt and Anne gave me good luck hugs before rushing back inside. I was quick to follow them back inside and to find Gabe to ask what the hell they were talking about.

Once inside, I found Gabe waiting by the door for me. He had an impish smile plastered on his face. “So does anyone wanna tell me about this tour that I’m supposedly starting in a few days?” I demanded, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Surprise…?” Gabe answered with a feeble smile.


I'm back and ready to finish this darn book! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for the long delay! :) 

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